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Dylan Tang

《神的競技場》將攝影回歸原點/ «Les Dieux du Stade» will return to the roots

攝影師 Pierre-Ange Carlotti 的2020攝影月曆《神的競技場》將關於攝影的一切都需要回歸到原點。

在這個攝影集裡頭,所有照片都有著互相綁定的羈絆;例如競技場與它的氛圍、未經編輯的原始臉孔與身體。就像是在每個橄欖球場上的激昂靈魂,Pierre-Ange 都用鏡頭,與精準的快門捕捉下來。

Pierre-Ange 對於這一次發表的2020月曆,他承認是一個「夢想成真」儘管這樣說有些神秘,畢竟他在時尚界已經與許多說大牌藝人以及模特兒合作過,例如 Rihanna、Bella Hadid,甚至時裝豪門品牌Balenciaga、Jacquemus都是他手上經常合作的夥伴。但是他對這一次發表的攝影集月曆,卻是抱持著赤子之心般的熱情。

擺脫光鮮亮麗的時尚世界,在這一次的《神的競技場》作品裡頭,會發現許多法國橄欖球員,像是 Yoann MaestriJean-Marc DoussainPierre FouyssacFrederic Michalak。當然,新生代的球員 Antoine DupontSofiane Guitoune 也都一樣現身在這一次的攝影集裡頭。


Photographer Pierre-Ange Carlotti's 2020 photography calendar «Les Dieux du Stade» will return to the roots is needed.

In this collection, all photos are bound to each other, for example, the arena and its atmosphere, the unedited original faces and bodies. Like the passionate soul on every football field. Pierre-Ange uses his lens to capture precise moment.

For this 2020 calendar, he admits that it is a "dream come true". Although it is somewhat curious, he has worked with many big-name celebrities and models in the modern world, such as Rihanna, Bella Hadid, and even countless well-known fashion house like Balenciaga and Jacquemus, they've worked with him for long time. However, his passion and his innocent heart of the photography made him finish this collection and ready for the coming year.

Get rid of the glamorous fashion world, in «Les Dieux du Stade», you will find many French rugby players, such as Yoann Maestri, Jean-Marc Doussain, Pierre Fouyssac and Frederic Michalak. Furthermore, the new generation, Antoine Dupont and Sofiane Guitoune are also in the his Dieux collection.

«Les Dieux du Stade» has taken away all glamorous and fame, returning to the youth who have been chasing in the stadium since childhood. Through the clever skill of his photography, this will be the most touching to the soul in 2020. It is also the best storybook for re-examining memories of our childhood.



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