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LATIGO 秋冬2019形象照/ LATIGO AW19 Lookbook

Dylan Tang

2013年在馬德里成立的西班牙品牌 LATIGO 推出了最新的2019秋冬形象照「地圖集」(Atlas)。身為街頭潮流品牌的LATIGO,從成立以來,一直將新世代年輕人心中求知若渴的心、對於任何事情都有主見的想法,轉換為近年來最受歡迎的衛衣、帽T以及T-shirt。不僅要將理想實踐,更要與現實達成平衡,成為一個擁有健康生態的潮流品牌。


LATIGO launched in 2013 in Madrid, Spain. This is a brand which aims to represent the young generation and build different their own world in the Streetwear field. LATIGO's Autumn/Winter 2019 Lookbook 'Atlas' move the scene of their lookbook to outdoor. Have to say it's a brilliant act to showcase their clothes.

Due to explain how LATIGO's clothes can perfectly match for the young generation. This lookbook, made three models wore the latest clothes such as jumpers, hoodies and T-shirt, swang at somewhere maybe the young person will go. Therefore, if you tend to live young and like a LATIGO then why don't you act like just moving on and enjoy life.



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