瑞士知名製錶品牌HUBLOT宇舶錶宣佈,將在2020/21賽季起擔任英格蘭足球超級聯賽(Premier League)官方計時。英超聯賽網羅世界許多優秀球員和功勳卓越的重要教練,賽事精彩程度使得全球觀眾總數達到32億,是世界上觀看人數最多的足球聯賽。而這也是宇舶錶稱霸足壇的第24個官方計時。
宇舶執行長Ricardo Guadalupe 表示:「我們十分興喜且驕傲能夠成為英超聯賽的官方計時,這對宇舶錶來說是具有里程碑意義的時刻。自2006年以來,我們已經證明了宇舶錶對足球充滿熱情,並為相關合作賽事、俱樂部和菁英都注入了豐富且重要的內容和價值。我們期待能夠通過共同努力,將與英超聯賽的夥伴關係推向更高峰。以行動實際證明“宇舶愛足球”」

英超聯賽執行長Richard Masters表示: 「我們非常高興宇舶錶成為英超聯賽官方計時。宇舶錶在運動計時卓越的發展,尤其是足球領域擁有豐富的經驗,並以創新製錶的能力聞名。我們十分期待和宇舶錶密切合作,為全球球迷帶來撼動人心的比賽以及數位體驗。」
作為英超聯賽的官方計時,宇舶錶將於全球每場比賽的現場以及電視螢幕上提供計時服務,宇舶錶的品牌標誌也將呈現在計分螢幕上。每場比賽顯示傷停補時和球員替換情況的電子裁判計時牌,也將以宇舶錶標誌性Big Bang Unico腕錶的外形打造。英超聯賽的裁判還將使用搭載門線技術(Goal-line technology)的宇舶錶Big Bang e智能錶為每場比賽計時,宇舶錶也將成為英超聯賽所有數位平臺上的亮點。
路威酩軒集團鐘錶和珠寶部門執行長Stephane Bianchi 表示: 「在經過與英超聯賽四年的合作關係後,泰格豪雅逐漸將品牌發展重心轉移至賽車運動、競速等運動。英超聯賽將為宇舶錶提供一個優秀的平臺,進一步豐富其在足球領域本已傲人的履歷。我們很高興英超聯賽能夠繼續與LVMH集團旗下的腕錶品牌繼續保持重要合作關係。」
Hublot is thrilled to announce it will become the Premier League’s Official Timekeeper from the start of the 2020/21 season. Hublot’s historical and now ubiquitous presence in football makes it a perfect partner for the Premier League, which attracts many of the world’s best players and most decorated managers and is enjoyed by fans around the globe.
Matches featuring the 20 teams are available to watch in 880 million households in 188 of the world's 193 countries recognised by the United Nations. According to research company Nielsen Sports, the Premier League has a cumulative global audience of 3.2 billion, making it the world’s most-watched football league.
“We are extremely excited and proud to become the Premier League’s Official Timekeeper. This is a milestone moment for Hublot. Since 2006, we have shown Hublot is hugely passionate about football and that we add great value to every competition, club and talent with whom we partner. We look forward to working together to bring this partnership to life on and off the pitch. Hublot Loves Football and our partnership with the Premier League is the proof!” Ricardo Guadalupe, HUBLOT CEO
“We are delighted to welcome Hublot as the Premier League’s Official Timekeeper. Hublot brings a wealth of experience in sports timekeeping, particularly in football, and are renowned for being at the forefront of innovation. We look forward to working closely together and developing the partnership to bring exciting matchday and digital activations to fans around the world.” Richard Masters, Premier League Chief Executive
For this collaboration, the group said:
“Following a very successful four-year partnership with the Premier League, TAG Heuer is gradually refocusing its investments on its core areas of sponsorship: motorsports and speed and precision sports. However, the Premier League is a fantastic platform which will further enhance Hublot’s already impressive football portfolio, and we are delighted to be able to retain this important partnership within the LVMH Watchmaking Division.”
Stéphane Bianchi, LVMH Watch and Jewelry CEO
Photos courtesy of HUBLOT