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驕傲的月份!讓我們將象徵愛與平等的彩虹穿上身 / HEY! It's Pride Month

Josh Lin

要不是因為疫情的影響,以往只要到6月我們早就踏著自由堅毅的步伐走上街頭,揮舞著手中象徵著LGBTIA+的彩虹旗幟。然而走上街頭不為什麼,單純就是歡呼與慶祝本屬於自己的權利,並且能夠毫無顧忌地做自己。既然六月是所謂的同志驕傲月,那就不得不提到它的起源—1969 年 6 月 28 日發生於美國的「石牆事件」開始說起。



Ralph Lauren

為延續品牌這30年來對LGBTQIA+、Pride Month的支持,Polo除了推出不分性別的Pride系列,更邀請到來自紐約與倫敦的藝術家David Puck和Ashton Attz,分別於布鲁克林的Domino Park和諾丁山創作壁畫。而在系列中可以看到包含擁有彩虹馬球、Polo刺繡出現在胸前與袖口,背後印上TOGETHER標語的長袖衛衣 ; 同樣具有小型馬球、Polo刺繡,以彩虹色調環繞領口的經典Polo 衫。

另外還有以多個彩虹色馬球標誌詮釋的T-shirt、帽子以及水瓶等配件,而這次的系列銷售將部分捐贈給致力於關懷LGBQT+平權運動的Stonewall社區基金會, 展現出Ralph Lauren多元共融的品牌價值。


Pride膠囊系列邁入第五年,UGG將攜手太平洋驕傲基金會(Pacific Pride Foundation)舉辦「Pride舞會」年度慶典,拍攝全新Pride膠囊系列的形象片#UGGPRIDE,邀請來自聖巴巴拉和加利福尼亞沿海地區的同志族群以及志同道合的青年們,一同慶祝這兼具包容性、多樣性與平等性的時刻。

同時,UGG也延續了與非營利組織GLAAD的長期夥伴關係,將在今年捐贈125,000美元以持續支持組織促進同志族群的社會接受度與平等性。另外Pride膠囊系列中有著一大亮點,那就是眾人喜愛FLUFF YEAH涼鞋將換上系列亮眼奪人的標誌彩虹色,整雙鞋以柔軟蓬鬆的羊毛包覆、換上舒適貼合的橡膠厚底,搭配飾以紅黃品牌LOGO的彈性繃帶迎來前所未有的腳感,滿足炎炎夏日中無論室內外多場景的繽紛穿搭選擇。


運動絕對是認識一個人以及拉近彼此最真實的管道,本季推出UA Pride系列以簡約黑白為主體,點綴上繽紛的驕傲月代表色與塗鴉細節,為夏日增添無限的趣味和活力。短袖上『LOVE ALL ATHLETES』設計標語以溫暖柔和字體呈現;加上『UNITED WE WIN, DEVIDED WE FALL』的標語,象徵運動者不管遭遇任何人事物,包容彼此並團結起來能讓世界更加美好。

而在女款UA Pride系列短褲則運用各式手寫彩色文字及塗鴉組合而成,此外UNDER ARMOUR更同步推出主打輕盈透氣的「HOVR Sonic 4」慢跑鞋,黑色為基底的鞋款除了擁有漸層彩虹鞋底,更有著彩虹交織而成鞋帶與品牌Logo,企圖以繽紛色彩呼應驕傲月,同時綻放每位運動愛好者對世界平權的驕傲信念。

Hugo Boss

為響應驕傲月以及表達對國際同志聯合會(ILGA World)的支持,此次BOSS特別推出全新Pride限量系列,並邀請到集演員、作家、導演、攝影師和平權推手等身份於一身的Tommy Dorfman及Peter Zurkuhlen一同出鏡拍攝形象影片。在形象廣告中,Tommy與Peter皆身穿此次全新Pride限量系列服飾,希望能藉由分享著自身的故事,傳遞驕傲、自由與希望的信念。

此次全新系列中包括多款中性款式服飾,全都染上了繽紛的彩虹色調,例如有著彩色「Love for all」標語的經典T裇、飾有彩虹Logo連帽運動衫以及彩虹條紋貼身衣物,這個夏天就跟著BOSS藉由這些充滿活力與生命力的系列,一同展現你對LGBTIA+的支持吧!


多年來總是對LGBTIA+支持不留餘力的LEVI’S,這回也不意外的推出了2021 Pride平權系列,以大愛、理解、樂觀三元素為靈感、以「每種身份,皆值得愛」(All Pronouns, All Love)為訴求,推出不分性別的LEVI’S®經典單品。另外LEVI’S®也發起名為「Pride 2021」的活動,強調尊重與包容,邀請每位來自不同背景、文化的LGBTQIA社群代表入鏡,希望激發各個文化對性別稱呼的討論,更期望社會能尊重每個人想要呈現的自我樣貌。

而在這次系列中除了有飾以彩紅圖樣的短袖T恤、背心以及帽子等配件,更有兩項主打單品包括以淺色水洗的丹寧夾克外套搭配背後彩虹圖騰寫著「they/them, she/her, he/him, WE」的字樣;淺色水洗丹寧連身短褲同樣擁有彩虹圖樣設計,並可見於鈕釦及前後皮標上。而出現在全系列單品的彩虹圖騰則是汲取靈感自舊金山卡斯楚區彩虹旗,希望能藉此傳遞不論是誰或愛誰,都有自由、驕傲與被看見的權利,這件簡單卻也不簡單的事。


Had it not been for the impact of covid-19, in the past when June come, as Pride Month, we would have taken to the streets with freedom and determination, waving the rainbow flag symbolizing LGBTIA+ in our hands. However, it’s no reason to go to the streets for anything, it’s just simply to cheer and celebrate your own rights and be able to be yourself without scruples. Since we mentioned Pride Month, we have to mention its origin-the "Stone Wall riots" that occurred in the United States on June 28, 1969.

At a time when the concepts and ideas were not yet enlightened, LGBTIA+ was not recognized by the public, and it was criticized as unethical behaviour. Therefore, many people were forced to live in the established expectations given by society: getting a wife, getting married, and having children. But that is not oneself, after all, no one can always pretend, and then LGBTIA+ will go to a "Stonewall" bar in New York, only there can they revel in and be themselves, just like in a safe haven. Unexpectedly, the bar was inspected by the police that day and accidentally triggered a riot. The situation escalated into bloody conflict in an instant and made the gay group united. Until June of the following year, everyone took to the streets to protest for the first anniversary of the Stonewall Incident. This event became the first LGBTIA+ parade in American history and also laid the foundation for the birth of Pride Month.

Now to the Pride month, in addition to the countries will hold parades, parties and other activities in response, each boutique, sports or fashion brand will also launch a rainbow flag flag-themed collections, together with join the festivities this important affirmative milestone, and to commemorate this loving, Equality and Freedom Month.

Ralph Lauren

In order to continue the brand's support for LGBTQIA+ and Pride Month over the past 30 years, Polo not only launched the gender-neutral Pride collections but also invited artists from New York and London, David Puck and Ashton Attz, to create murals. in Domino Park and Notting Hill in Brooklyn, respectively. In the collections, you can see long-sleeved sweaters with rainbow polo, Polo embroidery on the chest and cuffs, and TOGETHER printed on the back; classic Polo shirt with a small polo, Polo embroidery, and rainbow tones around the neckline.

In addition, there are T-shirts, hats, water bottles and other accessories interpreted with multiple rainbow-coloured polo logos. Part of this collection of sales will be donated to the Stonewall Community Foundation dedicated to caring for the LGBQT+ affirmative movement, showing the diversity and brand value of Ralph Lauren.


The Pride capsule collections enter their fifth year. UGG will join hands with the Pacific Pride Foundation to hold the "Pride Prom" annual celebration, shoot the image film #UGGPRIDE of the new Pride capsule collections, and invite people from Santa Barbara and coastal California The gay community and like-minded young people celebrate this moment of inclusiveness, diversity and equality together.

At the same time, UGG has also continued its long-term partnership with the non-profit organization GLAAD and will donate US$125,000 this year to continue to support the organization to promote the social acceptance and equality of the gay community. In addition, there is a highlight in the Pride capsule collections, that is, the popular FLUFF YEAH sandals will be replaced with the eye-catching rainbow colours of the collections. The entire pair of shoes are covered with soft and fluffy wool and replaced with a comfortable and fitting rubber platform. With the elastic bandage decorated with the red and yellow brand logo, it ushered in an unprecedented foot feel, which satisfies the colourful selection of indoor and outdoor scenes in the hot summer.


Sports is definitely the most authentic way to get to know a person and get closer to each other. This season, the UA Pride collections are launched with simple black and white as the main body, embellished with colourful pride moon colours and graffiti details, adding unlimited fun and vitality to summer. The design slogan "LOVE ALL ATHLETES" on the short sleeves is presented in warm and soft fonts; the slogan "UNITED WE WIN, DEVIDED WE FALL", symbolizes that athletes can tolerate each other and unite to make the world a better place no matter what they encounter.

In the women's UA Pride collections of shorts, a combination of handwritten coloured text and graffiti is used. In addition, UNDER ARMOR also launched the lightweight and breathable "HOVR Sonic 4" jogging shoes. Black-based shoes have gradient rainbow soles, rainbow interwoven laces and brand logos, trying to echo the pride month with colourful colours, and at the same time bloom every sports enthusiast's pride and belief in world equality.

Hugo Boss

In response Pride month and expressed support for the International Gay and Lesbian Association (ILGA World), and in particular, the BOSS launched a new limited collections Pride and invited to the set of actors, writers, directors, cinematographers and other identity promoters of peace right in one of Tommy Dorfman and Peter Zurkuhlen together shooting the video. In the video, both Tommy and Peter wore the new Pride limited collections of clothing, hoping to convey their beliefs of pride, freedom and hope by sharing their own stories.

The new collections include a variety of unisex styles, all dyed in colourful rainbow tones, such as classic T-shirts with the "Love for all" colour slogan, hooded sweatshirts with rainbow logos, and rainbow-striped underwear. This summer, follow BOSS and express your support for LGBTIA+ through these energetic and energetic collections!


For many years, LEVI’S, who has always supported LGBTIA+ with no extra effort, has not unexpectedly launched the 2021 Pride affirmative collections, inspired by the three elements of big love, understanding and optimism, and appealed to All Pronouns and All Love, the launch of LEVI’S® classic single product regardless of gender. In addition, LEVI'S® also launched an event called "Pride 2021", emphasizing respect and tolerance, and invited every LGBTQIA community representative from different backgrounds and cultures to participate in the film, hoping to stimulate discussion on gender terms in various cultures, and hope that the society will respect The self-image that everyone wants to present.

In this collections, in addition to short-sleeved T-shirts, vests and hats decorated with colourful red patterns, there are also two main items including light-washed denim jackets and rainbow totems on the back that printed "they/them, she/her, he/him, WE"; the light-coloured washed denim jumpsuit also has a rainbow pattern design and can be seen on the buttons and front and rear leather labels. The rainbow totems that appear in the entire collections of single-product are inspired by the rainbow flag of San Francisco’s Castro District, hope to convey that no matter who you are or who you love, you have freedom, pride, and the right to be seen. This is a simple but not simple matter.



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