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Dylan Tang

上帝創造了女人 GALIA LAHAV Haute Couture AW18/19

Galia Lahav 的最新高級訂製服系列開宗明義的指出 “上帝創造了女人” 作為這一場秀的開場;

這一場秀Galia Lahav 不僅讓你感受到了自由更讓你感受著女人們散發出來的性感誘人魅力。


Galia Lahav 將莫內的印象派風格做為這一場秀設計的造型啟發之一;在佈滿充滿花朵的印花布料上,這一場高級時裝秀的視覺呈現不僅讓人感到舒適更讓人拉回到以往高級訂製服設計上的懷舊風情。

布料上的選用除了大量的使用雪紡紗作為服裝剪裁基底,更將畫家在用水彩創作時的筆觸做為視覺巧思,當然這種舒適的布料以及溫暖的視覺饗宴,都讓人徹底的感受到 Galia Lahav 想要呈現出女性自由以及有趣的創作主軸。

有趣的是,在這一場高級訂製服的時裝秀上,竟然可以看到幾乎沾不上邊的 T-shirt 搭配裙裝;這樣大膽的呈現跌破大家的眼鏡之外,看似違合的搭配卻意外地創造出不可言喻的魅力。

如果你對高級訂製服一直都情有獨鍾,那麼這一場以 “上帝創造了女人” 為主題的高訂秀,不僅能讓你重新感受到當年鼎盛的高端時尚風情,更可以讓你以再進化的眼光看到這個世代裡服裝該呈現的美好。

This season, Galia Lahav and Sharon Sever invite their audience to feel the freedom, playfulness and womanly allure of their newest collection, And God Created Woman. With the French Riviera as a backdrop, this collection is rooted in vibrant tulles reminiscent of the seaside and the colours and curves of floral patterns.

“Because she's brave enough to do what she wants when she wants..”

In keeping with the style of abstract expressionism and Monet’s impressionism, And God Created Woman was designed with both small and large scale floral chiffon prints made from Sever’s own watercolour drawings. This collection strays from the overtly sexy aesthetic Galia Lahav is typically known for, and instead is more flirtatious and free in its silhouettes and shapes. Bold and fresh colours like acid and emerald green, ice pink and denim blue give the collection a more playful air, while natural colours like black and nude help ground the looks in maturity and womanhood. And God Created Woman is designed for the Juliette Hardy within us, a woman who is adamant in celebrating her youth, expressing her inner beauty and grasping her independence.

If Haute Couture is your cup of tea, you definitely will enjoy this show. The show named 'And God Created Woman' will bring you back to the old Haute Couture vibes but also give you the newest vision of fashion.

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Where to Buy & More Information


Written by Dylan Tang (Mandarine)


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