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  • Dylan Tang

Brioni 秋冬2019形象廣告/ Brioni AW19 Campaign

縱橫男性正裝數十年的義大利訂製服品牌 Brioni 推出的秋冬形象廣告找來了好萊塢明星 Matt Dillon 演繹專屬於男生們的訂製服要如何穿得帥氣以及充滿義大利的浪漫風情。

Brioni 的首家旗艦店在1945年的羅馬開幕,並在1952年舉辦了第一場時裝秀,從那個時候開始,它的精緻手工以及使用的面料就像野火一樣散播至遙遠的好萊塢,成為眾多明星指定的正裝品牌,像是布萊德彼特、湯姆克魯斯、休傑克曼麥克法斯賓達,甚至連足球金童維吉爾范戴克都是這個品牌的愛好者。

這一次的秋冬形象廣告「訂製傳奇」(Tailoring Legend) 選擇 Matt Dillon 出鏡,不單只是因為 Dillon 曾經受到奧斯卡以及金球獎提名的好名聲,更是因為他的整體氣質能夠完整襯托出這一個歷史悠久的義大利品牌的氣場。而除了訂製正裝外,在這一個形象廣告中,也展現出 Brioni 成衣和晚禮服,為的就是要讓大家知道,男性時尚的高品質,不僅是在宴會、紅毯上的西服,更是生活中的一部分。

Italian fashion brand, Brioni cooperated with Hollywood famous Matt Dillon to presented the Autumn/Winter 2019 campaign. From the photography, Mr Dillon demonstrated how a gentleman can be extraordinary but kept the Italian romantic at the same time.

Brioni opened their first store at Rome in 1945, afterwards, their first fashion show took place in 1952. Since then, this Italian brand spread fame to the rest of the world like the wildfire, so strong and powerful. The reason that Brioni can have a huge success is that their quality and special fabric. Countless celebrities adore Brioni's masterpieces, such as Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Hugh Jackman, Michael Fassbender and football player Virgil Van Dijk.

In this campaign, Matt Dillon perfectly present 'Tailoring Legend', the theme of this photography. Brioni worked with Mr Dillon isn't just for he'd nominated by Oscar and Golden Global. It's because he is the one who can combine the atmosphere of Brioni and take the heritage of this brand from 1945. Apart from the tailoring, this campaign also showcases the finest ready-to-wear and eveningwear.


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