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Dylan Tang

Ahluwalia 春夏2020時裝秀/ Ahluwalia SS20 Fashion Show

Ahluwalia的春夏2020男裝系列全部出自於「家」的概念;設計師 Priya Ahluwalia 將這一季的設計理念,從她爺爺、表親,以及阿姨的舊相片中獲得靈感。而這也是她對自己童年的致敬,使這個時裝品牌在這下個季度充斥著懷舊、以及溫暖的家庭感受。

如果曾經有幸在英國住過,那麼英國時下年輕人怎麼穿,以及他們對生活的態度,這個系列則表現得一覽無遺;若是你只曾經在電影裡看過英國的人物風情,或者曾經在這個西方島國短暫的逗留,那麼Ahluwalia 的春夏2020系列,就是你對這個日不落王國的街頭風情的最佳入門教科書。

設計師Priya,從小在英國長大,但是她對自己的「根」從何而來相當重視,儘管自己已經受到英國油漬搖滾、Raving 音樂的洗禮,但她卻沒忘記她的家人從哪裡來;因此在這個時裝系列裡頭,可以看到英國文化與印度和奈及利亞的個性結合。


Ahluwalia 這一次與珠寶設計師 Elena Croce合作,讓她最新的男性時裝增添了更多珠光寶氣!不僅如此,這一次合作的珠寶設計,也依照 Priya 的「家」主題圍繞,讓整體的設計有一致性;整個系列一致的看下來,的確讓人對來自不同文化的家庭,在異國生長的設計師的童年充滿好奇。

Ahluwalia Studio Spring/Summer collection is all about 'Family'. Designer Priya Ahluwalia put her heart to the old photographs of her grandparents, cousins and aunts. The whole SS20 collection is full of nostalgia but trendy.

If you ever lived in the United Kingdom, this collection is the perfect mirror to reflect how young generation dress and survive. If you never had this chance, then you still can through this collection being your introduction textbook to know how British people do.

Priya Ahluwalia grew up in London at the height of the UK Garage music scene formed Ahluwalia to imagine a dream-like, psychedelic space featuring rave flyers and fly-posters. But she never forgets where she came from and what she got from her family. This collection takes elements from her dual Indian-Nigerian heritage and London roots and explored the life of vintage and dead-stock clothing, using textile techniques to give them a new life.

She leads fashion to move forward to the world. The more diversity world.

For completing the theme of this season, Ahluwalia also collaborated with jewellery designer Elena Croce, made this menswear collection more sparkle and more where she came from.


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