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Dylan Tang

Adam Selman 2018春夏女裝系列/ Adam Selman Spring/Summer'18 RTW

美國德州出身的設計師 Adam Selman 在紐約時裝週以綠意盎然的氣氛下發表了2018春夏女裝的最新系列

在這個全新的系列裡頭,Selman 總共創作出共34套的精緻女裝,並在伸展台上展現出女性在春天時的自信以及性感;伸展台上的模特兒最讓人驚豔的是丹寧布料的演繹,搭配上丹寧工作褲來展現霸氣的女強人風範。


「時尚本該有趣及大膽」- Adam Selman

Adam Selman, unveiled his spring/summer 2018 womenswear ready-to-wear in New York Fashion Week.

This season, the American fashion designer has created 34 looks for the coming spring. Moreover, if you want to tbe his girl, you must be very confident and sassy. During Selman's show, denim and work jeans are the highlights garments. It's not difficult to point out, the power woman is what he want to say through his latest collection.

For Adam Selman himself, he once described what he literally think about fashion.

“Fashion should be fun and bold,” - Adam Selman


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