Kent & Curwen 2017/18秋冬系列廣告再次由國際著名時尚攝影師Willy Vanderperre負責拍攝
並由品牌合作夥伴貝克漢 (David Beckham)擔任主角
這次的2017秋冬廣告Kent & Curwen 以忠於自我的特質為主題,靈感來自 Joy Division、New Order 等英國獨立搖滾樂團在80年代的藝術音樂影片,打造獨特的英倫潮流文化。廣告照片中貝克漢身穿Kent & Curwen 2017秋冬系列服飾,在傳統磚牆的倫敦街巷間穿梭,呈現系列中所代表的流行工業風格。

本系列廣告照片包括五個造型,代表本季服飾的不同主題。在首張照片中,貝克漢所穿的Kent & Curwen 2017秋冬系列標誌性軍裝風格羊毛大衣,象徵著品牌的軍裝歷史。而在另一張照片中的條紋西裝外套,同樣是Kent & Curwen的經典作品。

自20世紀20年代品牌創立以來,Kent & Curwen為無數著名大學、體育俱樂部設計過專屬條紋圖騰,這件具有條紋圖案的西裝外套,正代表著品牌的獨特歷史。此外,貝克漢在另外三張照片中分別穿上帶有皮飾的飛行員外套、黑色短大衣和牛角扣大衣,這幾件服飾都是品牌向80年代英國獨立搖滾音樂影片的致敬

KENT & CURWEN ——歷史傳奇,經典重現
為英國傳統的男裝典範品牌,數十年來,Kent & Curwen從英國運動服及傳統制服中汲取靈感,彰顯英倫男士的瀟灑魅力與獨特個性。貝克漢正是Kent & Curwen紳士中的最佳代表,無論是時尚風格,還是體壇成就,均堪稱世界級標誌人物。他自然不羈的著裝風格,象徵著Kent & Curwen所代表的新時代英倫風範。
Kent & Curwen創意總監Daniel Kearns與貝克漢攜手合作,為Kent & Curwen制定嶄新藍圖:傳承英倫男裝底蘊,展現現代男士風格在21世紀煥發全新魅力。
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Kent & Curwen’s Autumn/Winter 2017 advertising campaign sees brand partner, David Beckham cast in the title role, with hailed international fashion photographer Willy Vanderperre once again behind the camera.
Highlighting the counter-cultural references of the brand, the campaign is inspired by the birth of 80's British indie music and the art house videos from the likes of Joy Division and New Order. David is captured in a raw brick alleyway, evoking the industrial DIY aesthetic typical of this movement.
The campaign features five different looks, each chosen to represent the key themes of the collection. In one image David is photographed in a heavy wool Great Coat, a signature piece for AW 2017 and a reference to Kent & Curwen’s military heritage. In another he wears an iconic regatta jacket, symbolic of the brands past prowess in creating varsity stripes for venerable sporting clubs, schools and universities since the 1920's. In other images David wears a leather trim bomber jacket, a black pea coat and a duffel coat, all direct references to 80’s indie music videos.
Kent & Curwen is a jewel of British menswear reborn for the 21st century. Creative director Daniel Kearns, in partnership with David Beckham, has established a new blueprint for Kent & Curwen: a fresh take on English heritage for the way men dress today.
British sporting and regimental traditions have been reimagined to present renewed pride in the authentic roots of Kent & Curwen, in the charm and strength of character of British men across the decades. Beckham is the archetypal Kent & Curwen man, celebrated as much for his style as his achievements. His intuitive ease of dressing is emblematic of the new British attitude at Kent & Curwen.
Photos courtesy of Kent & Curwen