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  • Dylan Tang

Moschino x Candy Crush 夏日最新聯名系列 / This summer is all about Candy Crush x Moschino

Moschino 時常與其他品牌合作推出商品已經不是一件稀奇的事;在之前,這個義大利時裝品牌就曾與 超級馬力、變形金剛、飛天小女警以及芭比娃娃 進行過合作。只不過,這一次的合作夥伴卻是手機遊戲 Candy Crush。

設計師 Jeremy Scott 表示:「如果你是個空服員,那麼這個遊戲應該在飛機降落前常常陪伴著你。」

Moschino x Candy Crush 的聯名系列以夏日為主,推出了男性與女性的泳褲以及手機殼和後背包,共四個全新商品。價錢落在 70-600 美金內 (約2100 - 18000 新台幣) 。


而對於其他奢侈品牌最近紛紛走向懷舊風格的狀況下 (例如 Gucci ),Jeremy Scott 表示:「我也是個懷舊的人,但是我只會對於他經歷過的年代感到思念 ( 八零年代晚期至九零年代早期),因為那是我最有情感連結的一段時間,也是我最有回憶的日子。」


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Moschino presents a crossover is not a rare thing in the industry. This Italian luxury house has experienced with others, such as, Super Mario Bro., Transformer, Powerpuffy Girls and Barbie. However, they don't collaborate with 'Characters' instead is a mobile game, Candy Crush.

Creative director Jeremy Scott told Hollywood Reporter "If you're an airline stewardess, you will see me playing it all the time trying to get to the next level right before takeoff!"

This collection has four pieces, you can easily tell they are all for summer. Swim trunks ($205), one-piece suit ($300), an iPhone case ($70), and a techno fabric backpack ($600).

If you desire to attract all of human in this summer, you won't miss these eyes catching pieces.

Moreover, Scott also explained his thought about nostalgia to Glamour. "I have a nostalgia for the years I was growing up and experiencing new things for the first time so the late '80s and early '90s are always fascinating to me,"

"Those were the times that I was being informed about a lot of my tastes and so the memories are fused with a lot of emotion."

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