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Dylan Tang

Ganni 2017春夏女裝/ Ganni Spring/Summer 2017

成立於丹麥哥本哈根的 Ganni, 早在2000年剛成立時就決定在時尚產業裡為女性創造一條嶄新的道路;Ganni 的品牌概念為『我們想要讓女人們挑選衣服時不再費力,衣櫥裡每件衣服都是每天都輕鬆穿出門的。』

Ganni 位在哥本哈根的工作室除了設計成衣系列之外,他們還設計鞋款、飾品以及女性內衣;對Ganni 來說,所有設計的產品都必須跟他們品牌DNA有連結而非只是為了銷售而設計。設計總監 Ditte Reffstrup 就是一個以忠實高品質設計而且喜愛設計可以一件多穿的衣服聞名。

Ganni 追求的理念只有一個『創造性感但是有趣的服裝;服裝不應該被嚴格的限制,不應該時尚卻不實穿,衣服只需要好看有個性就好。』

Founded in 2000, Ganni has become a fashion force to be reckoned. The Ganni mission is simple: we want to fill a woman’s wardrobe with effortless, easy-to-wear pieces that she reaches for day in, day out.

In our atelier in Copenhagen we design ready-to-wear, a shoe collection, accessories and lingerie. For us, it is about staying true to our DNA under the inspiring leadership of creative director Ditte Reffstrup. Ditte is passionate about designing quality fashion that can be worn in different ways to suit individual style.

Ganni pursues one idea: To create sexy and playful clothes. Clothes that are not too tricky, nothing too fashion, just gorgeous. The kind of clothes that is created from allure, not trends.

Where to buy and more information

Facebook: @Ganniofficial

Instagram: @Ganni

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