French wine and a mix of all the music we liked.
Greg 跟我,我們其實只是兩個喜歡晚上出去的年輕人而已。但是我們發現,臺北播放的音樂太缺乏多樣性了,儘管我們想要在自家客廳邀請朋友來聽喜歡的音樂、喝喜歡的酒空間還是不夠,所以我們決定找一間酒吧,自己去外面辦活動!我們第一間活動在Beau Bar 舉辦,當天有一百左右的人到場,然後就在當天晚上「臺北巴黎夜」成立了!而我們從那一天開始每個月都會在不同酒吧舉辦不同的活動。
我們在很多不同地方舉辦過活動,例如:Barcode, LMNT, Marquee, Halo, Beau, Opium Den…等,但是印象最深刻的就是在 Barcode 舉辦的 ”巴黎 1920 “ ,因為現場的每個人都遵守了我們規定的服裝風格,所以整個場合看起來非常的壯觀,另外在ATT4FUN的屋頂派對也是讓我很回味的!這些照片都可以在我們的臉書專頁看到!
在臺北巴黎夜之後,2015年的九月一號 “Triangle”誕生了,請問兩個有什麼不同的地方嗎?
Triangle 已經是我們基本活動的地方了,說是我們家的客廳也不為過,只不過場地更大設備更好,我們有臺北最好的音響設備還有每次都讓人驚豔的派對;在運行Triangle 的時候我們有完全的自由,這種自由跟之前的臺北巴黎夜有很大的不同,畢竟這是我們自己的地方;因此有了Triangle,每天都是臺北人的巴黎夜也不為過!
也非常感謝 Martin Fang, 給了我們這個機會營運Triangle, 雖然我們每個月不是天天都有營業,但是我們在這兩年也成長不少。
在營運Triangle 時,你有遇到過什麼樣的困難嗎?
你覺得Triangle 跟其他家酒吧有什麼不同嗎?
我們是一個全方位的地方,每個不同類型的音樂你都可以在這邊聽到,不管是 House, Reggae, Japanese Pop, Disco, Hip Hop…等;我們從來不侷限在一個框架裡面,甚至當你待到DJ都走的時候,你也可以用你自己的手機放自己的音樂,而且我們從不拒絕任何合作的方式。來這裡你可以跟任何人聊天,認識朋友的朋友;如果你突然想離開音樂的氛圍,外面的Maji Maji市集就是你短暫休息跟呼吸新鮮空氣的地方,Traingle 被環繞在一個幽靜的環境裡,因此如果有時候你想靜一靜,我們旁邊就有很多椅子提供你在享受夜晚的安寧。
Triangle 的下一步會是什麼呢?臺北巴黎夜會再回到台北的夜生活嗎?
在現階段,我們想讓Triangle 成為臺北生活娛樂的最佳選擇,而且我們也已經慢慢往這個目標邁進了,因為跟七個月前比起來,現在Triangle 已經是一個非常熱門的地方了。如果我們有一天離開了Triangle, 我們的下一步或許會尋覓一個新的場地吧!一個可以讓你在那邊待上一整天也不會迷失的地方。
From Taipei's Paris Night, what's the motivation that made you launch the symbolic events in Taipei?
Greg and I, as two normal young guys, have always liked to go out at night. After some time, we realized that most of Taipei’s clubs were lacking music diversity. And because our living room was too small to welcome all the friends we wanted to drink with, we decided to find a bar and host a party as a try. The concept was simple: French wine and a mix of all the music we liked.Beau bar was the first bar we landed on and 100 people came! Taipei’s Paris Nights was launched. Then, we were going to choose a different bar every month and little by little TPN was growing.
Since 2012, Taipei's Paris Night has created several events, do you have the one which is the most impressive to you?
We stopped at most of Taipei’s greatest bars: Barcode, LMNT, Marquee, HALO, Beau, Opium Den and many others, but to us, the most enjoyable ones, were the “Paris 1920” in Barcode which was an incredible night with almost everyone following the dress code, and the “Lost Island” at ATT4FUN rooftop! You can find all the pictures on our Facebook page.
After Taipei's Paris Night, Triangle has operate since the 1st September of 2015, could you tell mewhat's the different between Taipei's Paris Night and Triangle?
Martin Fang, from Maji Maji (where Triangle is located), gave us the opportunity to take over Triangle which had been running for almost two years although the business was quite slow and only open few nights in the month. By running Triangle, we finally have complete freedom. A freedom we were not always having when we were talking to the bars in Taipei when organizing Taipei’s Paris Night. Triangle is our living room, but bigger and much more equipped, we have one of Taipei’s best sound system, and a good enough capacity to hold amazing parties. Every day is a Taipei’s Paris Night!
How will you describe the lifestyle of Taiwanese? Do you think they are similar as French or completely different?
Taipei’s night life and the French one are similar in the sense that everybody wants to have fun. But we don’t have fun the same way. In France, we like to visit several bars in one night, and end up in a club later at night, we like standing up, discussing to anyone standing beside you at the bar. Going out in France, something unexpected will always happen to you. But most of all, we don’t really like to make plan, we just go wherever the wind blows. In Taiwan, people prefer to plan their night in advance, book a table at one club or book a room at a KTV. If you call them the same day to go out, you can be sure they already have a plan!
Have you ever faced challenges since you launched Triangle?
Running Triangle has been a pleasure, and we haven’t faced any big challenge so far. The only challenge is to keep bringing new promoters and customers every week and keep finding great ideas to make this place unique.
What's the different between Triangle and other bars in Taipei?
Triangle is a family bar, your next door bar where you will hear music from House, to Reggae, Japanese Pop, Disco, Hip Hop. We don’t fear new or crazy ideas, we look for them. If you want to organize an event with us, we will never say no. And if you stay late, when the DJs finish their set, you might here the last man standing playing some song from his mobile phone! Coming there, you will probably have drinks with the bosses and their friends, and when you are tired of the music, you just have to step outside in the quiet Maji Maji and finish your drink and have some fresh air with the people talking in front of the door. Triangle is in a very quiet area surrounded by parks where you’ll find the privacy you seek on a bench under a tree few steps away from the bar.
What is Triangle's next step? Will Taipei's Paris Night back to Taipei's nightlife?
For now, we want Triangle to be one of the most entertaining and happening bar of the capital; we are working on it and can already see the results. Triangle is much more popular now that it was 7 months ago.If we need to leave Triangle, the next step would be to maybe find other partners from the industry and open a new bar, more central, a kind of Brasserie/Bar/Club where you could go anytime of the day and enjoy it.
Finally we will soon launch again the monthly Taipei’s Paris Nights. Just stay tune and follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/taipeisparisnights and www.facebook.com/triangletaipei