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  • Samuel Balkin

MAZINYI 的時尚見解 / MAZINYI's Fahion Vibes LCM SS17

MAZINYI 的時尚帶出一個對於地球友善的概念,從倫敦時尚學院畢業的她對於時尚有一個不同的見解;最新的Spring/ Summer 17 的設計系列使用了 棉與竹纖維的混合而產生,她致力於運動服裝的設計,在每件設計上都有著功能性極高的吸濕排汗功能以及防潑水設計,設計師Annette Mazinyi強調:「我所用的材質也是對於地球友善的材質,因為我的服裝不只看起來酷炫,而是穿起來也會有種開心舒適並且愛護地球的氛圍。」

圖片中展示的衣服鑲著 Annette Mazinyi 3D列印出來的裝飾,因此每一件關於他的衣服都不需要擔心跟其他人撞衫,因為當你穿上它,你就是獨一無二。

Photographed by Dylan Tang

MAZINYI is keen on getting menswear more comfortable and looking-coolest ever. She has a special point of view about mens sportswear. The SS17 menswear collection uses the eco-friendly bamboo blend cotton lining for sweatshirts and chinos. She mentioned 'My designs not only look great but are also friendly to our world. When people wear them, you feel comfy and friendly to our world.'

She graduated from The University of the Arts, London college of Fashion. Her final year degree collection was selected to represent (BA) HONS Active Sportswear at London College of Fashion by the British Fashion Council.

The shirt in the images possesses unique accessories, which all have been made by 3D printing. Hence, once, you put it on, you would feel unique and special.

Check her website: MAZINYI

Twitter: @MAZINYI

Instagram: @MazinyiLdn

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