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  • Dylan Tang

街頭實拍 倫敦男裝週 Day 2/ Street Style LCM Day 2

倫敦男裝週如火如荼的進行,每個參與這場盛世的人似乎都卯足全力地想要奪取鎂光燈的焦點;在男裝週的第二天,臺客雜誌受邀至 ST. JERMNY ST. JAMES'S 參與時裝秀;現場星光雲集的功力更是不容小覷。

David Gandy, Jim Chapman, Johannes Huebl 以及英國版GQ 編輯 Nick Carvell 都在現場;當然女生們也不甘示弱的穿出最有個性的服裝展現自己的風格,一點都不輸男人主場的時裝週。

Photographed by Dylan Tang

London Collection Men is running to the second day. Everyone one try to kill the camera when they are were show up at the event. In the second day, TAIKER Magazine went to the ST. JERMNY ST. JAMES'S fashion show and found numerous stylish people and couple of celebrities.

David Gandy, Jim Chapman, Johannes Huebl and Nick Carevell they definitely killed all of the cameras and all of them are the most stylish people. However, girls are not easy to let men steal their spotlight. We caught two marvellous ladies on the street and seems like they are still own their stage.

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