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  • Dylan Tang

真力時邀請最有價值四分衛Aaron Rodgers展開新旅程/ Zenith and Aaron Rodgers will get the championship together

LVMH 2021 鐘錶週一直都是每個腕錶迷期待的年度盛事。今年瑞士腕錶品牌 Zenith(真力時)當然也沒因此錯過。在這個疫情仍未趨緩的亂世裡,這個瑞士腕錶品牌希望大家能夠與他們推出進化版的腕錶、機芯一樣,勇敢地「力創未來、美夢成真」


介紹新推出的腕錶之前,這次發表會另一個殺光底片的亮點之一,就是 NFL(美國國家美式足球聯盟)的四分衛 Aaron Rodgers(艾倫·羅傑斯)與來自瑞士的腕錶品牌合作,成為新任北美地區的品牌大使。或許這個運動在台灣並不熱門,但熱愛流行文化的人一定對這運動的決賽中場秀多少有些耳聞。

美式足球是一個需要充滿熱情的運動,除了每天嚴格的訓練外,場上如何超越自我更是心理上的一大挑戰。而在足球場上需要的專注、決心與不斷超越自我的特性,讓真力時執行長 Julien Tornare(朱利安•托內爾)決定找來 Rodgers 一起創造更明亮的未來。

「能夠加入真力時成為品牌大使,令我非常振奮。我對真力時情有獨鍾,因真力時不斷超越極限,為製錶業締造非凡的未來。不僅如此,真正令我感動之處,在於品牌始終致力於激發年輕一代邁出步伐,勇於追求遠大目標,實現自己的夢想。」Aaron Rodgers(艾倫·羅傑斯)

在形象大片裡頭,這位曾帶領Green Bay Packers(綠灣包裝工)勇奪第四十五屆超級盃(Superbowl XLV)冠軍的最有價值球員配戴上全新 CHRONOMASTER SPORT運動腕錶 。


全新的 CHRONOMASTER SPORT 的外觀現在已變成淺而易見的三色錶盤,機芯上採後進化版的 EI Primero 3600 型機芯,這款機芯振頻高達5赫茲(36,000次/小時),並在錶圈和錶盤顯示1/10秒的精準計時時間。此外,機芯的動力儲備進一步提升至60小時。不僅如此,外型上線條流暢、堅固耐用的41毫米精鋼錶殼,搭配幫浦式按鈕與拋光黑色陶瓷錶圈,再加上錶圈上鐫刻10秒刻度,其鮮明對比讓錶盤外圈清晰易讀 。


LVMH 2021 Watch Week has always been the event that every watch fan expect. This year Zenith certainly did not miss it. In this world where the pandemic has not yet slowed down, this Swiss watch brand hopes that everyone can bravely 'TIME TO REACH YOUR STAR' just like their evolutionary watches and calibre.

Beyond the limits

Before introducing the new watch, one of the highlights of LVMH 2021 Watch Week was the collaboration of NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers become the new brand ambassador of Zenith in North America. Perhaps this sport is not popular in Taiwan, but people who love pop culture must have heard of this sport's final halftime show.

American football is a sport that requires enthusiasm. In addition to strict daily training, elevating yourself on the field is a major psychological challenge. The focus, determination and constant self-surpassing characteristics required on the football field made Zenith's CEO Julien Tornare decide to find Rodgers to create a brighter future together.

"I couldn't be more thrilled to join Zenith as its ambassador. I love how this brand is always pushing boundaries and literally building the future of watchmaking. What really moved me with Zenith is how they're always working to inspire young men and women to go out there to reach for the stars and turn their dreams into reality." Aaron Rodgers

The most valuable quarterback who once led Green Bay Packers to win the 45th Superbowl XLV championship wears a new CHRONOMASTER SPORT in the campaign.


The new CHRONOMASTER SPORT has become easy to see the three-colour dial. The calibre is the EI Primero 3600 movement, which has a frequency of up to 5 Hz (36,000 times/hour), and The bezel and dial display an accurate time of 1/10 second. Besides, the power reserve of the movement has increased to 60 hours. Not only that, the durable 41mm stainless steel case, with pump-style buttons and polished black ceramic bezel, plus an engraved 10-second scale on the bezel, makes the outer ring of the dial clear and straightforward.


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