RED HOT 紅髮月曆回來了!
如果你曾經去過英國,那麼對於那些長相英挺的英國紳士們一定不陌生,今年推出的2018年紅髮月曆與去年呈現出來的深沈風格截然不同;以 “英國男孩” 為主題的2018年月曆,一樣由知名攝影師 Thomas Knights 操刀拍攝,並且一慣的找來紅髮的模特兒們擔綱演出。

Bringing Sexy Back

2018年的紅髮月曆透過攝影師 Thomas Knights、藝術總監 Elliott James Frieze 的合作,將會透過這本月曆的所得捐款給 Ben Cohen StandUp Foundation 作為反霸凌的基金,而今年也會更加專注在支持 LGBTQ 的社群上。
Website: Red Hot
Facebook: Red Hot
Twitter: Red Hot
Red Hot is back!
If you ever had a chance visited the Great Britain, you probably had noticed that British Boys are very hot. We are not surprise Red Hot calendar set the theme of 2018 as 'British Boys'. Because British Boys are hot is common sense, especially Ginger British Boys.
Bringing Sexy Back
As usual, each month has an eyeful model showcases their strong arms and essential body shape to every single purchaser. It also successfully spread the real image between all of us. We are all the same. We are not different.
In the beginning, Red Hot was just an online project for anti-bullies and evoke people to participate the idea We are all the same. Yet for the 2018. Red Hot goes further and more focus on anti-bullies especially for LGBTQ community.
LGBTQ Community
Through photographer Thomas Knights and Art Director Elliott James Frieze, Red Hot 2018 calendar 'British Boys' are going to raise funds for the Ben Cohen StandUp Foundation to help to eradicate bullying, especially in the LGBTQ community.
We desire to have a better world, hence, you shouldn't tolerate any behaviour of violence.
No matter what's your religion and what you believe in your heart.
You can purchase 'British Boys' calendar immediately via official website
Let's make our world better and full of LOVE.
Website: Red Hot 100
Facebook: Red Hot Exhibition
Twitter: Red Hot 100

Photos Courtesy of RED HOT