英國模特兒 Craig McGinlay 進日推出了全新的作品《亞瑟:王者之劍》,這一次Craig 將自己首次在大銀幕上的演出獻給了英國鬼才導演蓋瑞奇。
Craig McGinlay 出生於蘇格蘭,曾是青年組的英式橄欖球球員(十八歲以下級別),在離開體壇後轉往演員以及模特兒發展,或許在臺灣的知名度尚未大開,但是他所合作過的對象可都是赫赫有名的重要人物,例如影片中的主角 查理・漢納 以及 裘德洛 。
Craig 曾經在二零一四年與貝克漢一同為蘇格蘭威士忌 Haig Club 拍攝宣傳影片,他的蘇格蘭貴族形象與貝克漢的迷人氣質都與威士忌這個普遍被認為是成熟男人的飲品成功契合,而在這一次電影裏也是 Craig 與貝克漢的第二次合作。
話說回來,Craig McGinlay 在英國時尚圈有著不小的名號,他所擁有的好人緣以及壯碩的模特兒身材讓他受到各個品牌的青睞,不只倫敦男裝週可以時常看到他的身影,就連倫敦的女裝週也可以看到他為了許多品牌出席站台。
Model Craig McGinlay has his first silver screen performance with Guy Ritchie. 《King Arthur: Legend of the Sword》is now in the cinema and McGinlay as Percival who is one of King Arthur's legendary Knights of the Round Table.
Craig McGinlay born in Scotland. He is a former rugby player at under 18 level in World Cup in Italy. After athletic field, he keeps he fitness and good sense of style turn to fashion and entertainment industry. Craig and David Beckham were the face of Haig Club; a Scotch brand, in the 2014. His aristocracy vibes perfectly match this high quality scotch's brand.
Back to his professional, His name is pretty much well-known in the UK. He is not only just a good looking guy, aforementioned, his sense of style is the key of his successful career in fashion. This hunk model pictures are everywhere during London Fashion Week, both in menswear and womenswear.
Website: http://craigmcginlay.com/
Photography Courtesy of Craig McGinlay