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  • Dylan Tang

Blood Brother x Selfridges 聯名系列/ Blood Brother x Selfridges; Music Matters Collection

英國時裝品牌 Blood Brother 在今年發表了2018春夏男裝系列之後,又馬不停蹄地推出聯名系列【Music Matters】

這一次的【Music Matters】系列是與英國知名百貨 Selfridges 聯名合作,將九零年代的音樂脈動轉換為視覺上的表現,進而呈現在時裝上頭;對於Blood Brother 而言,這一次的聯名系列就宛如哲學家- 柏拉圖說過的話一樣 『在靈魂深處,音樂與律動總是能找到自己的秘密安身之處』


對於Blood Brother 來說,這一次與Selfridges 的合作,除了要展現出九零年代的風華,更是對於舊歷史的讚嘆以及那個豐饒音樂年代的致敬。

After unveiled Spring/Summer 2018 menswear collection, Blood Brother, launched 'Music Matters' a capsule collection with Selfridges on the 14th August.

“Music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul."- Plato

'Music Matters' is a nostalgia collection which presents the music raves and the entity of fashion from 90s. From all untouchable and unseeable garments from the old-good time, Blood Brother combined everything together and transformed them into series pieces.

Bright Green hoody, black bag and printed T-shirt can be purchased at Selfridges from the 14th of August. In this case, if you are keen on the nostalgia, especially 90s circumstance, Music Matters is your only remedy for the coming autumn.


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