出道以來,何潤東在演戲上的表現有目共睹;演而優則導的他,2018年更透過《翻牆的記憶》榮獲第53屆金鐘獎- 戲劇節目導演獎。今年,憑藉執導《誰在你身邊》這位43歲的演員又重回大家身邊,並且透過 Bell & Ross 的活動,讓大家再次體會何潤東曾帶給大家的溫暖。

全新 BR 05 GMT腕錶
法國品牌 Bell & Ross 今年推出全新 BR 05 GMT 腕錶。這枚腕錶以優雅的精鋼錶殼、射線紋錶盤,和黑色錶盤與白色 Super-LumiNova®夜光大數字,使都會男子更能散發在都市叢林中的動感。
何潤東今天以俐落的黑色西裝搭配緞面打磨及不銹鋼鍊帶款BR 05 GMT,完美演繹經常到訪世界各大城市,穿梭不同時區,處理不同任務運籌帷幄的都市精英形象。問到他旅行時的必備單品,他認為腕錶是他的唯一選擇。「因為我是一個時間控,所以比如說去旅行時,因為我常常都很忙,所以我去旅行常常只有三天兩夜,所以時間它會決定我這個旅程豐不豐富,決定我這次旅程會不會滿載而歸。」
Bell & Ross 這次加大了BR 05 GMT 的錶徑,錶殼尺寸亦調整為41毫米。而且BR 05 GMT 充滿對比之美,外觀設計剛柔並重的線條寬裕而克制,氣質剛陽而內斂,弧度與直線巧妙融合。製錶工藝的精細令BR 05 GMT成為生活必備時尚元素。
Since his debut, Peter Ho's acting skill has been undoubtedly good. In 2018, he won the Best Drama Director in 53rd Golden Bell Awar via Age of Rebellion. This year, the 43-year-old actor who directed Who's By Your Side returned to everyone's life. And through Bell & Ross event, he let everyone feel how Peter Ho is a fantastic person once again.

BR 05 GMT watch
French brand Bell & Ross launched a new BR 05 GMT watch this year. With its elegant stainless steel case, ray pattern dial, black dial and white Super-LumiNova® luminous large numbers, this watch makes urban men more dynamic in the urban jungle.
Therefore, when Peter Ho appeared with this watch and black and white suit. He perfectly interprets the image of how an elite who frequently visits major cities, shuttles between different time zones and handles different tasks.
When asked about the must-have items for his travels, he thinks the watch is his only choice. "I have to know the time precisely. For example, to travel, because I'm always busy. So I often only can travel for three days. So time control will decide whether my journey is good or not and decide whether my journey will be great."
