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  • Dylan Tang

Ahluwalia 春夏2020時裝秀細節/ Ahluwalia SS20 Fashion Show Details

Ahluwalia 的春夏2020男裝系列,將傳統與未來做了巧妙的結合,更將從小生活到大的教養哲學也一併地注入在下一季的設計當中;從設計師 Priya 的記憶中,這個系列的針織,是她對童年回憶裡爺爺留下的美好,也將爺爺身上會穿的西裝外套,做出不同的拼貼樣式。

這個系列中出現了許多雙運動鞋,這也是透過 Ahluwalia 的巧手,將 Adidas 提供的鞋子裝上自己的風格,透過與 Burlington Socks 提供的襪子,Invicta 提供的包包,這個系列除了時裝外,一切都更貼近「家」的核心主題。

Ahluwalia Spring/Summer2020 collection combined traditional and the future. It's the collection which belongs to designer Priya's childhood philosophy and memory.

Pieces of this collection, such as knitwear from her relatives has been reimagined and tailoring comes from bespoke suits made in India, given to her by her Nana and worn by her late granddad, now recut and modernised. Besides, trainers provided by Adidas, Socks provided by Burlington Socks and backpacks from Invicta, they are all customised by Ahluwalia Studio. With these accessories, the theme of this collection 'Family' is more complete and heart-touching.


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