2016年8月11日,台北 – TAG Heuer泰格豪雅是目前世界上少數有能力跨越四種不同領域的腕錶品牌!暨品牌與中華職棒CPBL的合作,與日前品牌大使林書豪熱烈站台Connected Watch智能腕錶上市記者會後,其「運動精神」領域的成就深植在台灣消費者的心。緊接著鞏固「運動精神」領域,TAG Heuer轉向深耕「經典傳承」,向國際型男Chris Hemsworth(克里斯‧漢斯沃)所代言的Heuer 01計時碼錶致敬,隆重推出多款新選擇,以各只腕錶獨特的風格,提供給在不同領域展現專業能力的時尚型男。
TAIPEI- TAG Heuer is the brand which has able to crossover different fields. After they cooperated with CPBL and Jeremy Lin, TAG Heuer now working on their ''Soul of Sport''. However, when TAG Heuer get huge successful at 'Soul of Sport', They are now move to the 'Classic Heritage'.
Chris Hemsworth, as an endorser of Heuer 01; classic is the best word to represent this collection. No wonder TAG Heuer choice Chris Hemsworth to their spokesman.