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Dylan Tang

黑夜之後必有光明 寶格麗攜手Steve Aoki推出特別版腕錶/ Light After Darkness, BVLGARI Aluminium Steve Aoki Special Edition

實施Work From Home 的時候需要準備什麼?除了基本的民生用品外,整理好播放清單、打掃因平時忙碌無法整頓的家裡,或者拿出飾品仔細端詳細緻工藝。許多看似不重要的小事,都能舒緩因為疫情打亂的人生,並且點亮希望之火。


美國佛羅里達州出身的Steve Aoki不僅是世界前十大 DJ,更曾被美國《告示牌》雜誌譽為「全球演藝圈炙手可熱的大人物」。他的音樂不僅前衛,更曾和小烏茲弗特 (Lil Uzi Vert)、馬盧瑪 (Maluma)、防彈少年團 (BTS)、 聯合公園 (Linkin Park) 以及路易·湯姆林森 (Louis Tomlinson) 等眾多巨星合作,說是世界頂尖的音樂人也不為過。


所謂The Power of Music;Steve Aoki 的音樂具有點燃世界希望之火的能力。這也是為什麼義大利華麗珠寶品牌Bvlgari(寶格麗)看上並且邀請他推出「Bvlgari Bvlgari Aluminium Steve Aoki」特別版腕錶的原因。這個聯名打造的特別版腕錶除了錶盤飾以Steve Aoki的專屬標誌,並塗覆超級螢光(Superluminova)夜光塗料,象徵黝暗永遠不敵光明的力量。此外,Steve Aoki表示「能夠與寶格麗合作,我倍感榮幸也滿懷感激。」

「寶格麗致敬傳統,追求極致工藝與卓越品質,這也正是我奉為圭臬的生活哲學與創作原則。時間是人生最寶貴的資產,因此我和寶格麗決定合作設計一款腕錶,透過縝密構思與精心製作,展現出我們對於頂級品質與匠心工藝的不懈堅持。能夠發表這款全新腕錶,我真的無比自豪與興奮,更迫不及待與各位再分享其他的合作成果。」Steve Aoki

Bvlgari Aluminium Steve Aoki 特別版腕錶搭載鋁合金錶殼與橡膠錶圈,長達42小時的動力儲存能更好的陪伴配戴者,專為熱愛生活與運動,並積極擁抱人生的享樂家設計。



B77 CALIBRE 自動上鍊機械機芯,機芯厚度3.6MM,機芯直徑25.6MM,42小時動力儲存,振頻28,800 VpH(4Hz),時針、分針、小秒針、日期顯示。


40MM鋁合金錶殼,搭配黑色DLC類鑽碳高耐磨鍍膜處理的鈦金屬錶底蓋與橡膠錶圈,並鐫刻Steve Aoki專屬標誌;白色錶盤塗覆超級螢光 (Superluminova) 夜光塗料,飾以Steve Aoki專屬標誌;防水深度100公尺。

錶帶 橡膠錶帶搭配鋁合金鍊節與鋁合金針式錶扣,隨附鋁合金與橡膠製專屬錶盒。



What do we need to prepare when implementing Work From Home? In addition to getting ready for daily necessities, organise the playlist, clean up the home, or take out the accessories to carefully review the remarkable craftsmanship. Many seemingly unimportant things can alleviate the life disrupted by the pandemic and light up the fire of hope.

The Unbounded Soul from Miami

Steve Aoki, born in Florida, is one of the top10 DJs in the world and a "Most wanted in the global entertainment industry", claimed by the US Billboard magazine. His music is edgy, and he has also played with global-known such as Lil Uzi Vert, Maluma, BTS, Linkin Park, and Louis Tomlinson. With many superstars cooperating, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a world-class musician.

Put on the fire of hope

The so-called The Power of Music; Steve Aoki's music can ignite the fire of hope in the world. This is why the Italian luxury jewellery brand Bvlgari took a fancy and invited him to launch the Bvlgari Aluminium Steve Aoki Special Edition watch. This special edition watch is decorated with Steve Aoki's exclusive logo on the dial and is coated with Superluminova (a luminous paint). It's symbolising the darkness will never defeat light. In addition, Steve Aoki said, "I am honoured and grateful to be able to cooperate with Bvlgari."

"BVLGARI is a company that stands for tradition, for craftsmanship, for quality. These core principles are sacred to me and guide how I both aspire to live and create. Time is one of our most valuable currencies and that is why together we mindfully and meticulously designed a beautiful timepiece that upholds the strong standards of quality and craftsmanship that both BVLGARI and I stand for. I'm beaming with pride and excitement to share this new timepiece with the world and cannot wait to share what else we have coming together." Steve Aoki

Bvlgari Aluminium Steve Aoki special edition, with its aluminium case and rubber bezel, is a creation dedicated to lovers of life, optimism and movement. Its 42-hour power reserve will enable clubbers to dance until dawn.


Mechanical movement, automatic winding and date, B77 Calibre, 42-hour power reserve.

Case and dial

40 mm aluminium case with DLC (Diamond like Carbon) titanium caseback and rubber bezel, engraved with Steve Aoki logo; Superluminova white dial with Steve Aoki logo; 100m water-resistant.


Rubber bracelet with aluminium links, aluminium ardillon buckle.

Dedicated aluminium and rubber packaging box.


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