以迪士尼樂園經典人氣遊樂設施為題並改編成電影的《叢林奇航》,再度釋出全新預告片,最新預告片再深入劇情,將更多驚險刺激的叢林探險場面、亞馬遜河快船追逐,以及神祕的邪惡生物都一一揭露。男女主角則是由動作巨星巨石強森(Dwayne Johnson)及《愛‧滿人間》艾蜜莉布朗兩大實力派演員擔綱。他們在劇中的幽默互動,將席捲全球成為熱搜話題。
《叢林奇航》的導演是西班牙鬼才名導豪梅寇勒特瑟拉(Jaume Collet-Serra)過去他曾拍過《絕鯊島》、《疾速救援》、《孤兒怨》、《恐怖蠟像館》等驚悚、動作及恐怖類型電影,這次將透過他的觀點來呈現迪士尼探險新作,勢必將有更多刺激的元素融入在電影中。其他參與演出的卡司還包括,英國喜劇影星《胡桃鉗與奇幻四國》傑克懷特霍爾(Jack Whitehall)扮演艾蜜莉的緊張兮兮弟弟,還有金獎提名影星《衝出康普頓》保羅吉馬蒂(Paul Giamatti)、《翻轉幸福》艾德格拉米雷茲(Edgar Ramírez),以及《遊戲夜殺必死》的傑西普萊蒙(Jesse Plemons)等。
Disneyland's classic popular attraction will be adapted into a movie, "Jungle Cruise." The latest trailer goes deeper into the plot, such as chasing and thrilling jungle adventure scenes in the Amazon. This movie can be seen that will act well at the box office due to the leading roles are two remarkable actors, Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt.
The director of "Jungle Cruise" is the Spanish director Jaume Collet-Serra. He has filmed horror, action and horror genre movies, such as The Shallows, The Commuter, Orphan and House of Wax. This time through his perspective to present new Disney adventures, it is bound to incorporate more exciting elements into the movie. Other casts that participated in the show include Jack Whitehall, Paul Giamatti, Edgar Ramírez, and Jesse Plemons.