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  • Dylan Tang

迎新挑戰 球王喬科維奇與LACOSTE續約至2025/ Fight together, Lacoste and Novak Djokovic’s partnership renews til 2025

網球一直都是體壇熱門的運動項目之一,其中的佼佼者更在全世界擁有高人氣。更別說排名世界第一的諾瓦克·喬科維奇(Novak Djokovic),他的支持者光是社群媒體Instagram 就高達九百萬人數追蹤。因此,以品牌追求曝光的角度來說,這位來自賽爾維亞的運動員自然是值得合作的高CP值對像。

2017年開始,法國品牌 LACOSTE 就和喬科維奇開始合作夥伴的關係。除了每年都會為這位世界頭號球星設計「諾瓦克·喬科維奇賽服系列」外。今年更宣布與他的合約將續簽至2025年,為的就是陪伴這位大滿貫紀錄保持者再創驕人戰績,續寫網壇傳奇。

「諾瓦克·喬科維奇不僅是一名傑出的運動員,更是一名在場上和場下都秉承著猛『鱷』精神的世界冠軍。我們於2017年相遇,他的無畏、堅韌和善良給我留下了深刻的印象。我很自豪我們能攜手共赴接下來的冒險之旅,陪伴他去迎接新的挑戰!」 —— Thierry Guibert,LACOSTE全球CEO

賽場下,LACOSTE和諾瓦克·喬科維奇也展開深入合作。「我和Thierry Guibert關係緊密,在我職業生涯的每個關鍵時刻都能感受到他的支持。他甚至在社交媒體上和我的粉絲俱樂部保持聯繫!看到世界各地不同的人聚在一起支持我真是太不可思議了!」—— 諾瓦克·喬科維奇


Tennis has always been one of the most popular sports globally. Undoubtedly, the top players own high popularity worldwide. Not to mention the world's number one Novak Djokovic, who has up to 9 million followers on Instagram. Therefore, from the brand's pursuit of exposure, the athlete from Serbia is naturally a high-cost performance ratio of cooperation.

Since 2017, the French brand LACOSTE and Djokovic have started a partnership. In addition to designing the Novak Djokovic Collection for the world's number one star every year. This year, LACOSTE is announcing that the contract will be extended until 2025. For the explanation from the brand, it says from the release, "It's to accompany the Grand Slam record holder to another impressive record and renew the legend of tennis.”

“Novak is not only an exceptional athlete but also one of those great champions who has a wonderful spirit both on and off the court,” said Lacoste CEO, Thierry Guibert, in a release. “Our meeting in 2017 was a real coup de coeur. His audacity, tenacity and kindness impressed me and I am proud that we can continue our common adventure together and accompany him in his new challenges.”

Djokovic commented: “I have a real connection with Thierry Guibert. We talk regularly and I’ve felt his support at each key moment of my career. He even connects with my fan club on social media. It’s quite incredible to see all these different people around the world get together to give me their support.”


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