6月1日是瑞士獨立機械錶品牌Oris的生日,2021年也是他們度過117年歲月的里程碑,為了紀念品牌創立這重要的日子,百年來帶給人們笑容的Oris,特別推出了限量版灰面的Big Crown Hölstein 2021設計腕錶。

機械錶確實不是日常「必需」品,既不是維持生活與健康的首要選擇,為何又有如此多的人趨之若鶩?如同《No Man Is An Island》一書作者Thomas Merton寫道:「藝術能使我們找到自我,同時失去自我」一只腕錶提供的不只是時間運行的資訊,他所賦予的更是引領人生活方向,尋找目標的意義,或是我們更俗濫矯情一點的說:玩物喪志,以明其志,沈浸在這種精神性的娛樂中,忙碌之餘抬起手看著喜愛的腕錶,美麗僅只慰勞辛勤的你,片刻的夢想豈不迷人。

「我們認為品牌有義務製造出帶給人們笑容的手錶」Oris如是說,然而他們的小熊,重新佈局的自製機芯巧思,以及近年繽紛的色彩,似乎也如此述說著理念:「機械錶鼓勵我們享受夢想,並沈浸在它美麗與燦爛中。」如同這次的Hölstein 2021一樣,有著二十世紀簡約工業風格,選用Big Crown此指標性設計,背後亦有故事。回顧1938年為飛行員設計的「大錶冠」,在飛行期間可以輕鬆操作,美感更回到戰前的設計,原有的錢幣紋裝飾與上圈錶鏡,改以平滑錶圈與簡潔俐落的線條呈現,灰色調象徵著20世紀前半葉創造的工藝技術,數字刻度更是參考過往歷史錶款來設計。

38mm的小錶徑是種復古回歸,也是今年趨勢之一,搭載的Oris自製的Calibre 403機芯,是去年度自行研發的Calibre 400系列家族成員,高性能結構能提供五日動力儲存、高抗磁及十年保固,最重要的是帶來歡樂的Oris Bear將在錶底蓋重現,限量編號同時鐫刻在上方,既珍貴又有紀念意義。

June 1, 2021 is a birthday of the Swiss independent mechanical watch brand Oris. This year is also a milestone for their 117 years history. To Commemorate this important day of Oris, the brand who always brought people smile for over a century, especially launched a limited edition watch, which calls “Hölstein 2021.”
Honestly, mechanical watches are not the daily ‘necessity,’ nor are the primary needs to maintaining people life and health. However, it’s still so many people attracted by them. As Thomas Merton says, the author of “No Man Is An Island”, he has said that ‘Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.’ A watch provides not only the information of time, but also guides people’s life. We always looking for the meaning of life, to collected watches such as the goal for men, its kind of entertainment in order to clarify their ambitions. You can imagine that, raise your hand and look at your favorite watch during the break of busy day, those beauty design detail are all created for you, it’s just like a little dream moment for the daily.

The Joyful Watch Brand
“We believe that brands are obliged to make watches that bring people smiles” Oris said. However, they have created the Oris Bear, and the first homemade movement series with ingenuity of rearranged, even using the colorful design for new collections. Those strategy has made fans admiring. “Mechanical watches encourage us to enjoy our dreams and are immersed in its beauty and splendor.” Like the new “Hölstein 2021” watch, it mixed the minimalist and industrial style from the 20th century. Based on the iconic design of the Big Crown series, is also a story behind it. The named ‘Big Crown’ could back to 1938, the first watches design for pilots, it's easily to operated during the flight, even when wears gloves. The aesthetics is back to the prewar design, the original decoration such as coin pattern, and watch glass, are all changed to a smooth bezel and simple style. The gray color symbolizes the craftsmanship in the first half of the 20th century.
Return to the 38mm diameter, is also a trend of retro, using the Oris made Calibre 403 is a new member of the Calibre 400 series. This movement series are developed by Oris, and launched last year, which could provide a five-day power reserve and high resistance, and also have a ten-year warranty. The most important things is that, you can see the joyful Oris Bear on the back of the watch, which was engraved on it, and also have the limited numbers. This ‘Hölstein 2021’ could be the precious and commemorative watch for people who enjoy their life.