瑞典品牌 Acne Studios 的2017春夏男裝系列,將瑞典夏日的多雨天氣融合在這一次的設計理念上頭
其中防潑水機能的外套是受到帳篷輪廓以及材質的啟發,而因為在緯度較高的瑞典,Acne Studios 在春夏系列仍然推出了有針織上衣,但是材質使用的比較輕的面料。

Acne Studios men's Spring/Summer 2017 - a series of pieces reflecting the mood of the Swedish summer. Evolved waterproof jackets are inspired by the silhouette and material of tents. Summer knitwear comes in a variety of density and stitches. Suiting is updated for the new season with deconstructed and light shirt construction elements.
Where to Buy & more Information
Website: http://www.acnestudios.com/