Jimmy Lion 的2017春夏形象照,將時光拉回了六七零年代的好萊塢;所謂的美國夢就是在那個年代發光茁壯的,這樣子的概念也藉由Jimmy Lion 的春夏形象照重現在這個美國品牌想要展現的西岸風情。
Jimmy Lion gave you the golden era, the phenomenal American Dream in 60s and 70s through their Spring/Summer 2017 story. The idea is about how to showcase the West Coast vibes and the brand journey.
You sit on the classic Chevrolet, cross the entire United States. You completely feel your value when you on the Sunset Boulevard and passing by the best-known restaurants.

Photography from Jimmy Lion
Where to Buy & More Information
Website: http://www.jimmylion.com/us