REDValentino 的2017春夏廣告再次找來了英國歌手 Birdy合作;這次Birdy 在形象廣告中獻聲歌曲 'Take My Heart' 將少女般的天真無暇,與青春徬徨,富有生命力的展現出來。
廣告場景在倫敦的街頭、咖啡館、以及巴士裡,這些場景的轉換,讓這個一分多鐘的廣告多了不少活力。而在影片中Birdy 沒有獨挑大梁,而是和 Ina Tandi 以及 Mia 一起出鏡,整部片則是由 Sarah Elisabeth Blais 導演。
成立於2009年,是義大利經典時裝品牌Valentino 旗下品牌線其中一條支線;RED Valentino 品牌定位以當代少女的前衛個性以及不循規蹈矩的風格聞名,但是加上一點少女的夢幻也是 RED Valentino 這支線的一個特點。帶著時裝豪門Valentino 的顯赫名氣,RED Valentino 在服裝表現以及織品面料選用上更是特別著重細節來完整呈現與門面Valentino一樣高品質的形象。

REDValentino Spring/Summer17 campaign starring with songwriter Birdy again. This time, the English songwriter sings her song 'Take My Heart' featured in this video. The lively atmosphere has completely showcased through this film by Birdy's voice and the scenes in the London streets, buses and cafes.
This campaign wasn't only have Birdy within, moreover, Birdy was shooting with Ina Tandi and Mia, directed by Sarah Elisabeth Blais. This 90 seconds video has perfectly presented REDValentino vibes and Spring/Summer collection.
REDValentino founded in the 2009, from the Italian fashion house, Valentino. The DNA from the RED Valentino is about to present the woman’s contemporary and unconventional style, but also mixture a modern fairytale. REDValentino inherited The Maison's fame and reputation, therefore, the apparel image and fabric finishing are take more attention.
Official Website:
Facebook: RED Valentino

Photography from REDValentino
Words by Dylan Tang