倫敦時裝品牌 Blood Brother 推出了他們最新的男裝系列,這一次他們與當代最受歡迎的啤酒品牌 健力士 (Guinness) 聯名合作,推出了屬於男人們的時尚。
設計師 Nicolas Biela 以及 James Waller 總是在這個女人掛帥的產業裡宣揚他們之間的兄弟情

【Blood Brother x Guinness】 在這個系列裡的男裝品質就跟 健力士啤酒一樣是可以用奢華來形容,因為他們使用了非常奢華的布料,包括:天鵝絨以及卯丁皮革。雖然這樣的材質會有讓人有價格不菲的錯覺,不過這一次的價位也只是落在 £75 至 £1500 而已。
你可以在Harrods 百貨蓋買這次最新的商品,或者在他們東倫敦的旗艦店以及 Farfetch.com上購得。
Blood Brother 的官網也提供了全球免運費的服務。
Where to buy and More information.
Website https://blood-brother.co.uk/
The contemporary fashion brand; Blood Brother launched their latest crossover collection recently. This time they've collaborated with the well-known beer house Guinness for the special menswear collection.

Designer Nicolas Biela and James Waller has always chasing their dream of brotherhood in this industry, which is about women leading. You may not completely feel their passion, however, if you have ever pay attention to read their story, either from their collection or their fashion show. You will respect them and understand why they called themselves Blood Brother.
【Blood Brother x Guinness 】 those pieces' quality are as good as Guinness. (We all know Guinness is the best beer in the world). This collection is using luxury fabrics, including velvet and studded leather. You may overthink that these fabrics will cost you a fortune; however, you will surprise the price range is is 75 pounds or a T-shirt to 1,500 pounds for a jacket. It will be sold at the pop-up store at Harrods, on Harrods.com, the Blood Brother flagship store in East London and on Farfetch.com.
They also provide free-ship to Taiwan, in case you are not in the England.