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Delaire 前衛與新潮的溫柔嗓音/ The futuristic and urban voice, Delaire

Dylan Tang

Delaire 發行了全新單曲「Healing in Love」。這首歌曲將故事注入了完整的情緒以及靈魂融入的唱腔。他將他自己的故事透過這首歌唱出給全世界的聽眾。整首歌進入耳中的感受建立在鼓的緩慢撞擊聲以及歌手強而有力卻不失溫柔的聲線,Delaire 的溫柔聲音,在某個基調上就像是Banks, Lorde 以及 Shura.。

這位出身倫敦的女歌手在2015年時發表他的出道單曲「Belief」,這首歌在當時也受到BBC的青睞,因此Delaire 受邀至BBC Maida Vale Studios 進行錄製 『People's History of Pop' Project』Delaire 的實力也讓他能夠輕鬆駕馭節奏藍調以電子為基調的歌曲。

Delaire 將電子樂以及他的唱腔融入當代的英國流行樂裡,而他在進入市場之前就已經在許多線上發表過他的許多作品;近期他正在準備全新的作品,似乎在這個冬天可以有一個療癒的歌聲來舒緩因冬天而低落的情緒。

“飄逸溫柔的聲音”- Hilly Dilly

"聽過他令人驚豔的音樂,你沒有理由不成為他的歌迷“ Clash

"Delaire 是新潮以及戲劇化的代表人物” Hunger

Where to buy and more information:

Facebook: @Delairemusic

Soundcloud: @Delairemusic

Twitter: @Delairemusic


“A cut that’ll leave you weightless” – Hilly Dilly

"each sparkling synth pop nugget winning more and more fans to her cause" - Clash

“Delaire is suitably futuristic and dramatic" – Hunger

Delaire has announced the autumn release of her new single 'Healing In Love'. Here we have the perfect emotive and soulful dark pop song, as Delaire’s personality unravels in her storytelling. A single that shines through as equally in the production as it does the lyrics. A subdued concoction of delicate synth textures and retro drum machines, the songstress delivers a powerful and immersive performance in ‘Healing in Love’”.

Delaire's cinematic voice is truly unique placing her in the same league as vocal greats such as Banks, Lorde and Shura.

The London songstress unveiled her debut single ‘Belief’, back in November 2015 to a wealth of positive notices. As a 'Featured Artist' on BBC London, she was invited into BBC Maida Vale Studios to record a live session as part of the BBC's 'People's History of Pop' project. Her emotive R&B and sultry electronics continues to make big strides live, including recent standout performances at this year's Blissfields and Lee Fest.

Delaire's dappled electronics and mesmeric vocal shines an exciting new light on the UK’s face of pop, delivering songs way beyond her years. Delaire is currently working on a wealth of new material with a wide ranging assortment of producers, including F.U.N.C an R&B collective based in Helsinki.


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