Comme des Garçons 在1989年的時候進行了歷史性的時尚專題攝影,那個時期蘇聯政府才剛解體而蘇俄聯邦之一的喬治亞正因為有著許多不同風情而受到川久保玲的注意。
川久保玲,Comme des Garçons的創辦人,在當時請了攝影師 Brian Griffin 操刀為這個專題攝影,他們不僅成功的將品牌名聲再往高峰推更在影像中反映出當時喬治亞首都 Tbilisi 的社會風氣。
Brian Griffin
Comme des Garçons had conducted a fashion editorial which reflected the society issue in the 1989. Rei Kawakubo noticed that Soviet Georgia was a special country under the society trending. She asked Brian Griffin as photographer to took the shooting. These pictures had helped Comme des Garçons peak their reputation and brands name, in the meantime, these images turning to classic and unbreakable iconic collection for this brand. They took this photoshoot in Tbilisi where is the capital of Georgia.
“It was the time of the Soviet Union breaking up... We were totally under surveillance. There were lots of meetings in the dark on street corners, and people were destroying statues of Stalin” – Brian Griffin