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倫敦新浪潮 Born Stranger / The new voice from London; Born Stranger

Dylan Tang


Born Stranger成軍於2015年的倫敦,由David Maddox Jones & Raife Hacking 兩人組成;他們的音樂打破藝術的邊界並且創造出新潮的音樂脈動,搭配上 Maddox Jones 富有靈魂的聲音,就連英國獨立報 ( The Independent) 都讚譽他們 “出色的將電子以及流行樂混合的絕佳好處”。

前些日子他們推出了自身的第三張單曲 『Be Someone』這張單曲對他們來說是一個重要的里程碑,因為即將成為另一個人是一個警訊也是一個現實衝擊所帶來的訊息,他們提到



成軍邁入第二年的Born Stranger 在英國樂壇上已經開始有著亮眼的表現,英國廣播公司(BBC)、Radio X 更將他們列入播放的清單裡,未來他們的聲勢在英國的樂壇已經可以預期開始準備激烈的上揚了!

​Facebook: Born Stranger

Twitter: @bornstranger

Soundcloud: Born Stranger


"We've all had those times when we feel like we're not really living, as though we are just going through the motions"

Born Stranger founded in London, 2015. As a duo band, Born Stranger is Maddox-Jones’ honing the soulful vocal and Raife Hacking, the sound crafter who sets new boundaries for artists with their futuristic sound.

“An excellent hybrid of electronic pop - think Depeche Mode, Years & Years, Sia” (The Independent).

(Photographed by Gualtiero)

They released their third single ''Be Someone'' couple days ago and this song could see as their milestone in their career. The message from this song is,

Be Someone is a wake up call; a realisation, a message to say 'you're better than this, get out there and do it” (Born Stranger)

Even 2016 just their second year in the music; however, Born Stranger is easily be forecasted that they will earn their fame and fans very soon. Due to they already have radio's support; such as Radio X and BBC Introducing, and their quality of music. We don't have to worry about they just a surprising lotus on the lake. Their history just begin.

​Facebook: Born Stranger

Twitter: @bornstranger

Soundcloud: Born Stranger


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