經過一條不同藍色交織的長廊,裡面的模特兒舒適地躺在自己的空間裡,這是 Faustine Steinmetz 二零一七春夏女裝的展示空間,在清一色的丹寧與珠光偶然閃過眼前的空間裡,Faustine Steinmetz 將在春夏以丹寧凌駕丹寧。
Denim on denim 是 Faustine Steinmetz 的第八個女裝系列,編織出的丹寧布在表面上彷彿有意識的呈現。雙面手法也是這次系列的主要重點,每一個模特兒都有著極端的面貌,最淺顯的就是光與暗的交織,而這也是人們在抽象概念表達裡最能輕鬆吸收的資訊


這次Faustine Steinmetez 與斯華洛斯奇水晶合作,將水晶上的珠光在布料上重新架構出新的結構,布料上的組織則是手動編織以及印尼的 ikat 古老技術搭配上最新科技的數位印製以及手工染色。
Where to Buy and more information:
Facebook @faustinesteinmetzlabel
Twitter: @F_Steinmetz
Instagram: @faustinesteinmetz

Walked through a multi-blue hall, models seemed like quite comfy in their own box. This is Faustine Steinmetz 's SS17 womenswear presentation. In this space, no one expected more but only denim. However, when we walked by models, sparkle into our eyes. This is the surprise that Faustine Steinmetz gave it to us. His Spring/ Summer 2017 collection has already created a phenomenal. Only Faustine Steinmetz has ability elevate denim.

Nothing is more familiar than blue denim. Its place in culture and history, as well as in our wardrobes, is as firmly defined as its unwavering presence on the streets of every city in the world. Denim is at the core of our ideology and continues to act as a canvas for our experimentation.
Collection 008 is about denim on denim — woven denim with a self-referential surface. A sense of duality runs through each look, with seemingly polar sensibilities appearing and disappearing like the illusion of light and dark. What we see and what we perceive is often subject to the abstraction of context.

This season is about the oscillation of our understandings. Structure an-surface. Vulgarity and elegance. Organism and object . What not so long seemed the height of ugliness and ostentation — crystal-covered, overtly washed, logo-monogrammed denim — is revisited with a new perspective. Organic-like Swarovski crystal rock formations take the place of diamanté lettering to create an object that is akin to sculpture. Elsewhere, hand-weaving and ancient ikat techniques are treated with innovative digital printing and hand-dyeing.
Where to Buy and more information:
Facebook @faustinesteinmetzlabel
Twitter: @F_Steinmetz
Instagram: @faustinesteinmetz