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  • Dylan Tang

反擊還是保持沈默?/ Fight back or keep silence?

女性安全一直是這個世界上熱騰騰的議題,在路上如果突然間被陌生人 '' 攻擊‘’ ,身為女性的你會怎麼做呢?

米蘭時裝週正如火如荼的進行中,正當超級名模 Gigi Hadid 離開 Max Mara 的時裝秀之際,在路上被一位男子環抱起來;這樣的舉動讓 Gigi Hadid 以及他的妹妹 Bella Hadid 做出對這位男子反擊的動作,她們姐妹的行為正為時尚圈投下一股震撼彈。


身為一位時尚名人,不管身價多少或者為個產品代言,難道在公開場合遭受到攻擊還只能微笑地不動聲色嗎? Gigi Hadid 以及 Bella Hadid 在這個事件帶給的效益不止是時尚界更是整個社會的教育;一位女性在公開場合受到這樣子的對待都理當作出反擊的動作,不管你今天是不是一位名人還是一位平凡百姓。


Women's safety issue has always on the board to discuss about. IF you accidentally get an insult on the street, will you fight it back or keep silence?

When Gigi Hadid and Bella leaved Max Mara's fashion show during Milan Fashion Week. A strange man suddenly armed around Gigi Hadid on the street. This behaviour caused Bella Hadid immediately fight the man back and try to protected her sister. When Gigi Hadid rescued, her natural reaction was try to fight the man back.

Does this behaviour appropriate?

In my personal opinion, no matter you have fame or not. Once someone try to insult you on the street, the only way to protect ourselves is fight it back. Do not listen to someone else who try to convince you

'It's inappropriate. You should leave it to police and do not act like a wild people.''

''Hadids have fame and they are the face of fashion house, they shouldn't act like that.''

''Women shouldn't act like that! Be a lady!''

Above three comments are all bullshit and incredibly stupid. Who says you cannot protect yourself just because you are a woman or you have fame?

We appreciate Gigi Hadid and Belle Hadid's behaviour about this situation because they literally sett a standard for women's safety issue.

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