Craig McGinlay 出生於蘇格蘭,曾是青年組的英式橄欖球球員(十八歲以下級別),在離開體壇後轉往演員以及模特兒發展。
Craig 曾經在二零一四年與貝克漢一同為蘇格蘭威士忌 Haig Club 拍攝宣傳影片,他的蘇格蘭貴族形象與貝克漢的迷人氣質都與威士忌這個普遍被認為是成熟男人的飲品成功契合。
除了廣告作品以外,McGinlay也有著演員的身份,明年即將上映的電影 『亞瑟王:圓桌武士』辨識他和導演蓋瑞奇以及演員裘德洛、查理・漢納以及貝克漢一同演出。
但是擁有英國紳士氣質的 Craig 在時尚圈的發展更可以說是平步青雲,除了在倫敦男裝週的各個場合都可以看到他受邀參加的身影之外,在時尚之都倫敦、米蘭、巴黎更都可以看到他的身影。
Facebook: @OfficialCraigMcGinaly
Instagram: @CraigMcGinlay
Twitter: @CraigMcGinlay
Craig McGinlay is a Scotish actor and model. He was a rugby player at under 18 level in World Cup in Italy. After athletic field, he keeps he fitness and good looking turn to fashion and entertainment industry.
Craig was the face with David Beckham of Haig Club; a Scotch brand, in the 2014. His aristocracy feeling perfectly match the high quality scotch's brand DNA. Moreover, McGinlay also is a actor, His next movie (as a main role) is 'King Arthur Knights of the Round Table' which will in the theatre in 2017.
King Arthur Knights of the Round Table is directed by Guy Ritchie. In this film, Craig McGinlay also worked with Charlie Hunnam, Jude Law and David Beckham.
照片轉載請標示出處;臺客雜誌、攝影師 Dylan Tang
Repost Images please credit; TAIKER Magazine , Photographer Dylan Tang