As an entrepreneur, my legacy is not just about fortune; instead, is the responsibility to our society.
臺灣跟食物的連結,我覺得到現在依然以“零食小吃’’為主要的節點,例如夜市的小吃或 者地區的零食產品。不過我覺得現在臺灣對於這一塊需要精緻化並且外銷出去,因為臺 灣與食物的連結是非常緊密而且有能力提升品牌價值的。
在越來越競爭的同時,進入市場的門檻也會往上提高,因為政府對於食品安全越來越重 視。為了提高生產品質來通過政府的規範,大幅增加了生產的成本,因此不管是新的廠 商還是現有的廠商在面臨這樣的嚴格法規的狀況下都會需要重新思考企業的定位以及發 展方向。
1. 優化創新=吸收市面上的概念加上自身的想 法來改進產品。
2. 技術創新=將傳統認為不可能的製造過程應用在工業化生產上,以小 吃零食來說,能夠將在地化的產品做工業化,而口感不會相差太多,這就叫創新。
我覺得技術創新非常難得,在工業革命的黃金期之後技術創新的週期變得更長。優化創 新因為規模可大可小所以天天在發生。我認為能把效率提高的方法就是創新、能說服眾 人改變習慣做法的就是創新。
身為一個 30 歲以下的企業接班人,請問你覺得臺灣的社會結構走向了M型化,請問你 有什麼看法嗎?
我覺得這是社會發展下必然的結果,因為資源絕對是往企業家的方向聚集,唯有透過教 育才能改變這個狀況。現在這個時代已經過度競爭,臺灣的年輕人不妨可以出去走走, 去歐美、去中國,看看當地的菁英怎麼利用他們的資源以及能力改變他們身邊的社會。
我覺得很幸運的是,聯夏是一個食品公司,因此可以很輕鬆的透過產品發放來回饋社會, 我們將產品送給偏遠地區需要幫助的人,讓他們能夠得到足夠的伙食。也因為這樣,如 同我剛才提到的,當他們不再為了食物煩惱時,他們才能真正的去接受教育並請把握機 會成為社會流動的一份子。
我覺得臺灣人對於文化的思辨能力要更全面,應該要更清楚知道自己想要的是什麼,而 不是只在臉書上看那些轉載後的文章。如果你想要知道外面發生了什麼事情,你應該要 去專門的網站吸收新知,不然很容易侷限在自己的框架裡。
品牌故事、企業營運模式是兩個最重要的要素。品牌故事需要深度並且能夠讓消費者能 夠認同,企業營運模式要健全能夠獲利並且有永續發展的能力。我覺得應該要努力做想 做的事情,但是要知道自己是為什麼努力,而不是因為別人說要努力才去努力。

Do you think there is a bridge between food and Taiwan?
Yes, they do have a bridge, my opinion is that the food industry in Taiwan still focus on snacks for example, snack in night market or regional food. Due to the intimate relationship between Taiwan and the food industry, these products have to evaluate their value and promote to the other counties.
Do you think the food industry in Taiwan will face any drastic changes in the future?
The market of the food industry is going to face more competition in the future, companies who would like to enter the market will find it more difficult than before. The reason is that our government is taking the issues of food safety more seriously, so in order to increase the quality of manufacturing the cost will become greater, so we have to rebrand and set a new develop strategy which will be a new challenge in the future for the food industry.
How can SME’S (Small and Medium Enterprises) survive in the future?
Innovation! which concludes of two bullet points. 1. Innovation with Optimisation: improve your products with good ideas in the market. 2. Technology Innovation: make the impossible to possible for example, when you are doing technology innovation for a snack product you can localise it by putting a new face on it, but you can still have a similar flavour that’s called technology innovation.
Can you specify ‘Innovation’?
The technology innovation is very rare because of the industrial revolution, the cycle of technology innovation is getting longer than before, on the other hand innovation with optimisation could depend on the scale of different companies, hence it happens everyday and the only way to increase innovation is efficiency.
As an under 30 entrepreneur, what is your opinion of the M-Form Society in Taiwan?
Taiwan having the M-Form Society is the thing which I can predict because all of the resources are always gathering to entrepreneurs, the only solution is education, our society is over completive so if people have chance especially a teenager, I would recommend them traveling to Europe, The United States and China, they will understand and realise what is the different way to change society.
Through the brand's DNA of UTC, what sort of Corporate Social Responsibility is UTC implementing?
Luckily UTC is belonging to food field, therefore we could give a feedback to our society through our products, we provide our products to people who live in the suburbs. As I mentioned before the only solution to make our society better is through education, hence when people don’t have to worry about food then they can focus on their education.
Let’s talk about culture, could you describe the relationship with Taiwanese culture?
People in Taiwan have to live out of their suitcase, if you want learn something you observe it by yourself rather than reading articles on social media such as Facebook, they have to think more comprehensive and tend not to believe everything on internet.
Any advise for the younger generations who desire to have their own brand?
Brand Story and Business Operate Module are very important, brand story is for your customer to recognise your brand, business operate module is to allow your brand to have an ability to develop sustainability, also you have to put your effort into all the aspects so you gain the product you desire to get in the end, rather than working for someone else.