Flat Wine Bottle Art 的設計理念是什麼呢?
是一個環保的概念,結合再生藝術,利用窯燒熱塑的技術再製變形,酒瓶也能用另 一種方式存在與善用,永續使用與收藏置入於生活美學當中。
是的,如果客人想要有想要收藏及做紀念的酒瓶,例如 : 特殊年份的紀念酒...我們 都可幫他保存下來。而且最重要的是一點也不占空間,還能做居家裝飾。
酒瓶都是我自己或者跟家人朋友喝完後保留下來的,或是每次出國都會到處去酒莊 或專賣店帶很多特殊酒款回來,大部分也與一些代理酒商合作。
前幾年臺灣的設計產業很不被重視跟不被尊重,例如削價的習慣。這對我而言這就 是剝削設計師專業的行為,也非常不尊重設計師。但是這幾年,臺灣很扶持文創產 業,舉例來說臺灣這幾年的創意市集在亞洲已經打開知名度,之前我是從事廣告設 計跟繪畫的專業,當時非常的辛苦,工時長薪資少,客戶也會不斷的拖延與砍價, 這樣的行為常態很容易消磨掉設計師的熱情與專業,因此在重新出發後,這樣的產 品設計,在臺灣打出了一個新的市場。而我也很滿意現在的工作型態。
所以你認為臺灣的民眾現在已經對藝術的專業已經有一定的瞭解,且也開始尊重設 計師了嗎?
是的,臺灣是一個很有創造力的國家,資源也很豐富,隨手可得的素材都能創作出 很棒的藝術品,許多創意市集的竄起就能突顯出台灣民眾對於藝術產業的支持,而 每一個專業領域都需要大家去認識細細的感受,才知道其中的甘苦。
像你剛才提到,這幾年政府開始扶持文創產業後整個產業有往上提升,所以你覺得 政府的支持是有幫助的嗎?
我覺得是有幫助的,目前我們位於西門紅樓的店面就是在臺北文化局的審核下才擁 有的,在早期我是以在創意市集擺攤的方式進行販售,也常常要看天氣出攤,非常 不穩定,而我的商品屬於高風險易碎品,常常在來回上下推送貨物時,造成意外破 損。現在有了實體商店後,不僅商品樣式更齊全和安全,也提供客人更寬廣明亮的 空間,能更全方位的跟客人互動,討論客製商品
我的產品分為吊飾,時鐘,盤子,以及現在與乾燥花結合的系列,因此和我的一個 好朋友花藝師合作出新的商品設計。像是扁平式的花器,與吊掛的裝飾吊瓶不凋花, 目前只有 Flat Wine Bottle Art 生產獨賣。
酒瓶時鐘跟酒瓶燈是我最喜歡的產品,他們除了裝飾也最具有功能性,也是家庭必 備商品,送禮自用都非常有意義。
手繪!我們將會保留酒標,進行手繪的創作,像是聖經的創作,將經文手繪上去, 因為酒瓶在中文裡面有諧音長久 ( 酒 ) 平 ( 瓶 ) 安的意思,賦予商品的獨特行更高。
做任何事一定都要有決心,一旦知道自己要什麼之後,全世界都會幫你開路。 不要盲從,保持自有的風格,時時刻刻警醒自己要像個孩子對身邊的任何事物擁有 好奇心,不停的學習,到最後會發現每一個經驗都是最好的收穫。
哪裡買?Where to Buy? http://www.pinkoi.com/store/flatwinebottleart

What is Flat Wine Bottle Art’s Brand DNA?
Our DNA is all about environmental protection, our products are made by kiln and thermoplastic which means I give these bottles a new life and a new function, they will never be wasted instead, they will live forever and be a lifestyle piece which in art field.
So they are customisable?
Absolutely if people want to reserve their memory bottle or keep a bottle to remember something, Flat Wine Bottle Art has ability to make their dreams come true the product we have made is not a space waster, it can transform into a decoration.
How did you collect these bottles?
Most of them were from my friends and my family, some special bottles were from winery and we cooperate with people who are running their wine businesses.
How many years have you been in the design industry?
I’ve been in the design industry for nearly ten years.
What’s your opinion of the design industry in Taiwan?
Well designers did not really get respect from their clients in the early years, as we were asked to decline our price of service, from my personal opinion this behaviour is very disrespectful. When I was an entry level designer, I was advertising design and illustration fields and it was a tough year, our duty hours were always long and our payment was under the average however, since Taiwan’s creative markets have got more attention in Asia and our government started supporting this professional couple of years ago, designer’s relationship with clients are nurturing better now. We have earned more respect from clients and customers now, for me this is a huge improvement and I’m happy with it.
Do you think people in Taiwan are acknowledging ‘Art’ as a professional field and respect designers more? Yes, I do think so as I mentioned before, creative markets in Taiwan are getting more attention and it’s not only in Asia but also in Taiwan as well, I believe it’s because of everyone’s acknowledgement and support for us rather than just a broken promise. Due to Taiwan becoming a country of having numerous talented designers from east to west, north to south, everywhere could inspire designers to create amazing works and that is the reason.
Let’s talk about supportive strategy by the government in Taiwan, do you think they are helpful? Definitely take Fine Wine Bottle Art as an example, we were a brand which was based on the street, we took risks when we were promoting our products however, we now have a store at Red House in Ximen District. It’s all because of the Department of Cultural Affairs in Taipei City Government, they verified our brand and provided us a bright and spacious place to promote our products, that is why we have been able to communicate with our costumers and offer them a good service.
Could you please introduce your products to me?
My products are categorised as charms, clocks and plates, I also have work with dried flowers, the collection of dried flowers is co operated with my friend who has a flower business. At the moment costumers only can find these special products at Flat Wine Bottle wine.
What are your most satisfying products?
The bottle clocks and bottle light’s are my favourite, they are not only for decoration but they also have functions due to the fact they are very basic homeware so for me these products are the most meaningful to me.
What is your next step in design?
Painting could be a next step because Flat Wine Bottle Art always keep the labels on bottle, however I will add painting on the further collection like a phrase from bible, the reason as to why i’m doing this is because ‘Bottle’ in Chinese has a metaphor as ‘Safe’ and ‘Peace’.
What advise would you give to designers who want to develop their brand?
If you want to do something you have to keep it in mind and follow that idea, once your determination is unbreakable then you will gain the helping hands from the world, however you cannot do something without your style, you have to do something that makes sense otherwise it will not be original and nobody can relate to your work.
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