2015年完成第一張完整專輯《泥土》,這張概念專輯是從「自然」出發,並用各種不同形式的創作及體驗,去探索台灣這塊土地上藴涵的訊息。 整張專輯的內容奠基於團員們集體創作的詩作〈泥土詩〉以及兩次於台東取材所經歷的故事, 由各種自然採集、聲響、野外即興和歌曲所構成一張完整的概念性作品, 專輯裡的〈泥土 詩〉是我們嘗試每位團員各自寫下對於「自然」的想像或記憶,可以是一句話、一個詞或一首 詩,每個人寫下文字後,再集合起來輪流即興編輯,最後並獨立設計且正式出版為一本詩集。
落差草原WWW 也喜愛於各種不同場域表演,曾自行舉辦戶外表演如 2/27⌠⋛⋛草原上的回音 ⋛⋛⌡ 及、9/19 微遠虎山 專場等,並自成軍起每場演出皆會與不同影像藝術家或VJ 配合,投影
即時影像創作。 2016年受到日本廠牌 Guruguru Brain 邀請,發行第一張12”黑膠《霧海》EP,同時受邀參加今 年的英國利物浦迷幻音樂節;《霧海》EP將收錄三首以雙鼓節奏為主導,搭配人聲實驗及迷 幻搖滾的全新錄音作品及jam session,並以完整概念的故事情境的串連起來。
SoundCloud⌇ https://soundcloud.com/prairiewwww/
Facebook⌇ https://www.facebook.com/prairiewwww/
Instagram⌇ https://www.instagram.com/prairiewwww/
Twitter⌇ https://twitter.com/prairiewwww
In 2015 Prairie WWWW finished its first complete album “Soil”. Its concept derived from “Nature” and the exploration of profound information from the land of Taiwan through different variety of creation and experience. The content of above album is based on the poem “Soil” collectively created by band members and stories happened in their twice tours to Taitung. They gathered all kinds of nature sounds, improvisations and country songs to form a complete conceptual work. The poem “Land” in the album was written by each band member about its imagination or memory to “Nature” which came out to be a word, a phrase or a poem. After impromptu composition took turned by band members, an independent designed poem collection was published formally.
Prairie WWWW also loves to perform in various places. It held an outdoor performance “Echo on the Prairie” on Feb 27th and “Soil Album Released Show” at Miculture Tiger Mountain on Sept 19th, 2015. There are different visual artists or VJ creates immediate visual arts right in every show from the first performance of Prairie WWWW. In 2016 Prairie WWWW is invited by Japanese label Guruguru Brain to issue their first 12” record “WuHai” EP. Moreover, it is invited to attend “2016 Liverpool International Festival Of Psychedelia”, Britain. In “Wuhai” EP, it will collect three songs led by double drums rhythm and collaborate experimental sound and psychedelic rock. It will be a brand new record and jam session work fully composed by complete story concept.
Members; 成員:
吳唯祥 / Sean Guitar / Vocals / Synthesizer 吳柏廷 / White Wu Drums 胡一之 / YiZhi Vocals / Percussion / Programming
張愛波 / Apple Vocals / Bass / Recorder / Kalimba...etc.
陳俊龍 / AhLung Guitar