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  • Dylan Tang

致敬 Freddie Mercury; Tribute

‘性感佛萊迪’ 一個時代的象徵,一個多元的靈魂。 皇后合唱團主唱;佛萊迪・默丘里擁有多元的靈魂以及摯愛的男人以及女人。因此選用女模特兒來表現這位舞台上的巨星,來向這位傳奇歌手致敬。

‘Sexy Freddie’ An icon, a magnificent soul. Freddie Mercury, a singer, performer from a legendary band- Queen. He had a magnificent soul, a rainbow heart; therefore, he wasn’t a greatest singer but also an icon from the 70’s and 80’s. He didn’t only have his beloved woman but also his man. Thus, female model is the best solution to tribute this legend. A human who crossed the gender and influenced all of us.

Words: @dylan_sy_tang Photographer: @dylan_sy_tang Makeup Artist: @oreosuicide Model: @oliviarose1292

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