Dylan Tang

May 7, 2019

Strellson 春夏2019形象廣告,漫步紐約/ Strellson Spring/Summer’19 Campaign

Strellson 的春夏2019形象廣告將場景搬到的不夜城-紐約,在這一個城市裡頭,什麼事情都有機會發生,不管你今天在這裡追求愛情、追求人生目標,還是單純的憧憬這個城市;只要來紐約,那麼一切都存在著希望。

2019的夏天,瑞士品牌 Strellson 要把你帶往每一個紐約的角落,從上東城到皇后區,不管在哪一個區域裡頭,只要在紐約就能夠成就自己。

Be Your Own Style Icon





Switzerland fashion brand, Strellson unveiled Spring/Summer 2019 Campaign. In this Campaign, they went from Europe to New York where is full of love, hope, and style.

No matter what’s your purpose to this city, as long as you believe yourself, follow your own step, you won’t disappoint anymore. Strellson’s Spring/Summer 2019 Camping keeps their faith. Dress like a gent and strong like a man.

#Strellson #SS19 #Campaign #NewYork #Photography #Gentlemen